Chapter 5

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"Hey, doc."

"My favorite person!" Amelia stands up from her chair and reaches out to hug me.

I hug her back for a moment then pull back and raise a brow at her, keeping my face flat and emotionless. "Is that supposed to be an insult? Person? 'Cause I don't have my lyall?"

Amelia gasps and hugs me again, tighter this time. "Oh no dear. No, no, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

I can't help but start shaking.

Amelia rubs my back. "I'm so, so sorry. I swear, I didn't mean it like that!" Her tone is very apologetic, laced with disappointment on herself.

She pulls back only to see me getting red and shaking from trying to bottle up laughter.

The moment I see her face, I can't take it anymore and just let all the laughter take the best of me.

Amelia fumes with anger and vexation. "It's not funny, young woman!" She yells.

Amelia snorts before going back to her chair and sitting down. She shakes her head while holding her temples.

I sit down on the chair in front of her desk and smile sheepishly at her. "Sorry."

"Are you? Really?" She rolls her eyes and throws her hands up the air. "Why do I keep on getting tricked by you?"

"'Cause you're lovely." I say sweetly.

"Whatever, Bea Mireille Wood!" She rolls her eyes again then grunts. "My eyes are going to suffer from future complications just because of the muscle strain you put them through... making me roll my eyes at you for hundreds of times!" She says dramatically.

This is just why I love messing with her.

"Oh doc, you're just being such a geek."

She rolls her eyes once again.

As if something hit her, she huffs then motions to her eyes. "See?" She presses them down, massaging them. "Now, it's going to be a reflex whenever I see you."

I laugh at her, shaking my head. "And what are you going to call it? The Belle reflex?" I chuckle. "My name will be written in medical books then? It's gonna be a freaking awesome reflex!" I give her an evil laugh, throwing my head back.

She rolls her eyes at me again then shakes her head. "So what are you here for? Other than annoying me."

"Oh come on, you love me." I tease. "You just told me, first thing, that I'm your favorite."

She sighs, rolling her eyes. Oh yeah, the Belle reflex might just come true.

"Enough, Belle." Her face turns serious. This time, she means business. "It's about your lyall, no?"

"Yah." I try to give her my best serious look.

"Well, I haven't got much. I still strongly believe that your lyall is in a coma-like state. The thing uncertain would just be the cause of it." She pauses, looking unsure about what to say next. "However, remember when you told me that maybe we should look into this through another angle 'cause you're too awesome to be cliché and normal?"

I grin at her and nod my head excitedly.

"Well, you see, as I've told you, grieving for a loss have been a common reason for our lyalls to drift into coma. However, yours have been dormant for six years now. And Martina's just your best friend."

I raise a brow. "Okay? So? I already know those stuff."

Amelia looks at me, her face screaming something like 'you won't believe what I saw!'

Theirs to Claim (Under minor editing)Where stories live. Discover now