Chapter 3

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It has been a year since I became official with Trey.

The pack questioned our decision at first, but after explaining our theory to them, they came to accept our relationship. Not that they were actually against the two of us being together. In fact they've been rooting for the two of us since the beginning. They were just being 'wise' about it and considering our 'mates out there'. 'Though, seriously, I'm a hundred and one percent positive that Trey's my mate. But, anyway, having their support and approval means a lot to me since I consider them all as my family.

Trey is the perfect boyfriend anyone can ever wish for. He's an awesome lover and friend. He has never made me feel unappreciated. He always makes sure that I feel comfortable, pleased, and, most of all, loved. He has been treating me like a queen – loving me, protecting me, but still letting me be independent in some ways. He never made me feel like I'm any lesser than him, considering he's an Alpha. Yes, he's possessive as hell, but it only makes me feel desired and loved.

His affections make me feel complete. I feel good about myself – not that I had problems with being myself before – but he fills me with feelings of pride and confidence, knowing that someone appreciates and loves me for who I am. Consequently, it makes me want to become an even better person each new day.

We've been going out on those perfect romantic dates too. Everything is simply perfect with him. I totally feel like some legit fairy tale princess who found her Prince Charming.

Just last week, we went on a trip to celebrate my seventeenth birthday. We went to some cool places built by humans. My favorite one was the modern animation studio. We also went skydiving and even went for a glider ride. Just how cool was that? Although I did sense that Trey felt very uncomfortable being way high up from the ground. Lupi problems, I guess.

We're not fully mated however. Alpha Troy and Luna Mary advised us not to take any further steps to complete the mating process until we figure out what happened to my lyall. Of course, Trey got pissed at first. He's willing to wait and put sex on hold, according to him, but he wanted to at least mark me as his, for all the world to see. And, of course, I want that too. However, the Luna said we wouldn't be sure what effects it will have on me, not having my lyall. I tried to argue using the case of human mates of some lupis as defense, but they're too adamant about it – saying my case is still different from that of a human's. After much pondering and debating, we finally decided on waiting until we've found answers regarding my lyall. Trey agreed as well, not wanting to risk my well-being, which is very thoughtful and sweet of him. That is why I am working with our pack's Vates to solve the mystery behind my stupid lyall's loss, or whatever. Although, we all agreed that Trey and I can mate when he turns twenty-one; unless otherwise, we don't want to anymore, which is very much remotely possible. In fact, I can't wait for that moment.

When he turns twenty-one, he will be probationary Alpha. Meaning, he'll be acting and doing the responsibilities of an Alpha alongside with Alpha Troy. However, the Alpha title will be officially passed to him only when he turns twenty-five and has proven his self to be fit for the title.

It's the same for the other high-ranking wolves. It's done in order to make sure that the flow of transition between the leaders will be smooth.

Anyway, back to Trey and me. All we've ever done so far is making out. We always make sure to stop before we step over the point of no return. Because if we have sex, Trey won't be able to control his urge to mark me.

"What are you thinking of, babe?" Trey says while tracing some strands of hair on the top of my head, making me snap out of my thoughts.

Thus, I'm back to earth, where I'm happily cuddling with Trey in his king-sized bed after our first round of heated anniversary make out session.

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