Chapter 15~

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Yibo's mood had become bitter after he talked to his mom, as he lay on the bed, with a huff.

Zhanwho was looking at him couldn't understand the way he talked to his mom, for him, he would rather die than talk to his mother like that. Hence it was quite a shock for him.

And once again an awkward silence surrounded them, before Zhan opened his mouth he wanted to ask about Yibo's mother but then closed it again.

It would be useless to ask about his mother because he knew that Yibo will not tell him anything, after all, they were not that close.

After some time Zhan went to the couch and went to sleep.

While Yibo can't sleep the whole night, on the outside people would say that he has a good family background and a perfect life, if only they knew how rotten and toxic 'family' actually is.

Yibo smiled bitterly as he looked at Zhan from under the faint light from the night lamp, he was sleeping so peacefully with no care in the world.

Sometimes Yibo felt very, very envious of him, how can he sleep so peacefully at night? Because there was a time when Yibo had to take pills to finally get some sleep.

How can smile like that so cheerfully and genuinely? Yibo had to mostly fake his smile but not this time not ever since he came here. And just one call from his mother he was disturbed again.

Sighing he got up and took his phone before he went out of the room and called A-Xiang, she answered quite quickly, "Let me guess... mom called you?"

Yibo sighed, "I guess she called you as well."

"Yeah she did, apparently dad is sick."

"I think it's not life-threatening."

"It's not but she still wants us to come home."

"So that she can start with the usual taunting and fights and make a mess out of our brain?"

Yibo spoke his anger rising again, the anger issues that he worked so hard to control have always gone out of control because of his family, "Yibo calm down please."

"I can't, you know she called me again and used the same bloody tactic, what would grandfather think? if I don't come? it has been more than ten years since he died why can't she let him rest in peace!"

"Block her Yibo don't answer her call, I will handle her for you," A-Xiang said.

Yibo actually hated dumping everything on his sister but he can't help it, if he goes back to his house he would be shattered again.

"Anyways how is your love life going?"

Yibo suddenly laughed, like genuinely smiled, "It's amazing, you know he had eased up a lot and is kind to me as well took me out for a tour and we went boating and what not and I also bought a dress for you and he helped me buy jewelry for you."

A-Xiang giggled from the other side, "Eeeee so cute, propose him soon."

Yibo smiled, "Yeah sure, can't wait for it."

"When is the wedding?"  Yibo smiled, "tomorrow."

"Oh my, I am so happy!! do tell me what he said."


After the call was disconnected Yibo decided to take a stroll in the garden the weather was very pleasant and he enjoyed walking, under the sky, it has been one of the best ways to relax suggested by his therapist.

This house was Zhan's family's vacation house, as he was told by William and it originally belonged to his great grandfather hence the house was quite old and big with so many rooms. And a huge garden.

But his stroll didn't last long as a cricket suddenly jumped on his foot making him jump, for someone had a phobia of insects Yibo nearly screamed but he shook his leg and turned around but bumped into someone.

His waist was grabbed and it was none other than Zhan, "shit you cared for me, Zhan!"

"No, you scared me, where were you?" Zhan asked.

Yibo sighed, "I can't sleep so I took a walk..."

"And why were you jumping?"

Yibo sighed, "Oh that was... a bug got on my foot and I got scared."

Yibo was scared of bugs and ghosts point noted, in Zhan's mind.

"Why can't you sleep?" Zhan asked.

"Just family problems," Yibo spoke and dismissed the matter.

Zhan nodded, "would you mind if I walk with you?" 

Yibo smiled, "Yeah sure no problem."

So the two walked together in the garden, "These roses are very pretty."

"The best Gardner takes care of this garden."

"I see."

"My grandfather used to do gardening, white roses were his favorite, and when I used to cry like when I missed mom and dad to distract me he would bring rose petals and shower me with them." Yibo smiled as he talk about his grandfather and of course, Zhan listened to everything and stored it in his heart.

"My grandfather also used to teach me however I hated rose because I got so many times because of its thorns."

"So you hate roses till this day?" Zhan spoke and Yibo nodded.

"Yeah right, I don't like roses."

"So what's your favorite flower?" Zhan asked.

"Will it be weird if I said rose?" Yibo said.

Zhan shook his head, "Of course everyone has that one thing with whom they have a love and hate relationship with me."

"And in your case what it is?"


Yibo laughed, "Why are you so scared of dogs?"

"One day my father was teaching me how to ride a bike and I was chased by dogs and fell hard on the ground got a fracture and got bottle by dogs as well, not anything serious because my dad interfered."

Yibo sympathized with him, "After that I hated dogs."

"Then why do you love them?"

"Because of my brother, he loves dogs, he loves them with a passion when day when he was five and I was eight he bought an injured dog after coming from school it was raining and it was cute puppy drenched with water and shivering.

My brother pleaded fought and did his best to keep the dog, mom and dad said that till the dog gets well he can stay, and while he stayed my brother did his best to keep the dog away from me, he wouldn't sleep in the same room as me and opted to sleep in the hall with the dog.

I didn't like it, my brother was trying too hard and I got jealous of the dog can you imagine?"Yibo laughed, "Finally when the dogs healed mom and dad forcefully sent him away Cheng cried a lot, and got sick and was very, very sad he was so attached to the dog that he went out without telling anyone scaring the shit out of everyone... and got beaten when he was found, I got so scared that I decided to overcome my fear and asked mom and dad to bring that dog back."

Yibo laughed, "That's so sweet... so I like roses."

"Let me guess because they made your grandfather happy."

"Touche," Yibo said as they laughed before Yibo yawned.

"Finally feeling sleepy?"


Author's note: GUESS WHAT! 



Gonna hire an escort to accompany me so I don't get bored!

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