Chapter 19~

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Four months later

Splitting headache accompanied by nausea was what he felt after waking up.

Yibo couldn't even open his eyes because they felt so heavy, but the cold water that was thrown at him made him jump and he fell on the floor. 

"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled and looked at the person who dared commit such an atrocity only to see his twin standing in front of him with a bucket, "EXACTLY YIBO WHAT THE HELL!" she yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" she said as she spread her hand. There were at least ten ashtrays in the room, all filled with cigarette butts, and around twenty alcohol bottles lying on the floor.

Used condos were thrown on the floor, clothes scattered here and the furniture was upside down, and the kitchen was filled with used and unwashed utensils.

And Yibo was only wearing shorts with his hair a mess, eyes bloodshot, and slight unshaved beard.

Yibo was ashamed when he looked at A-Xiang, he was ignoring everyone's call except that of A-Xiang so that she does not worry but she was his twin she can feel when he is in pain.

A-Xiang threw the bucket aside and sat before Yibo grabbed his jaw harshly and made him look at her, "What happened? you were so happy and so calm..." she said as she looked at him with red eyes.

But Yibo sniffed and his red eyes nearly filled with tears, "I did it again A-Xiang... I did it again."

"What do you mean... I nearly killed another life...just like my grandpa..."

A-Xiang sighed and hugged him tightly, "I don't know what happened but I know that it is not your fault, it's not."

A-Xiang's hug is the safest and warmest place for him after his grandfather, so he hugged her back and told her everything and she was shocked but she felt bad for him,"It's not..."

"It is A-Xiang... my trauma is no excuse... that four-year-old must have been so scared and must have been traumatized while all I did was watch."

A-Xiang sighed, "It's not like that... we can sort this out...but first you need to resume your therapy you can't quit...and also your boss called me you are not answering his call. Also, the cafe managers called me as well you are not answering them either."

Yibo frowned and looked at her, "I am going to quit the escort agency."

A-Xiang smiled, "That's a great idea... now first you are going to take a bath and I am going to call someone to clean this mess."

She said and Yibo nodded before he went inside the the washroom.

Once he finished his shower he opened his phone and saw dozens of missed calls but he looked past them all and he kept on looking at the one name that was pulling the strings of his heart. 


Zhan had called him over and over many, many times left many many messages, and all of them said sorry.

Yibo thought that after a while Zhan would get bored but he did not Zhan called at least once per day, and Yibo wanted to answer his calls many times but he was scared what if he answered his call and after that Zhan might never call him again.

If Zhan calls him every day then that means that he still remembers him and thinks about him, If Yibo answered his call and gave Zhan satisfaction then will he stop thinking about him?

Yibo always leaves Zhan's messages on seen so that Zhan knows that he is reading and seeing all of his messages.

As Yibo was looking through the phone his phone ran again and once again it was Zhan. his caller Id had a photo of their selfie together, Zhan saw the phone ring till the end. But did not answer.

A-Xiang sighed when she saw him staring at the phone she slowly went to him and sat down in front of him gently taking his phone out of his hand and smiling, "How about you fix this issue as well?"

"He hates me," Yibo said.

"Then he wouldn't be calling you over and over and sending you messages saying sorry."

"But I don't want to meet him once only to never meet him again."

"The more you run the more this feeling will chase you, you promised me to get your life on track right? Don't be afraid I am here with you always."

Yibo placed his hand on her cheek and said, "We are twins why are you the only one mature?"

"I am not as mature as you," she said.

Yibo took a deep breath, "So I should really talk to him?"



"I am quitting," Yibo spoke bluntly as he sat on the chair with his legs crossed looking at his boss with a straight cold face sitting like a boss in front of his boss.

His boss named Ace sat before him as he applied red nail polish on his hand, eyeliner, and make-up on his face was already there, and his cold eyes looked at Yibo before he smiled, "why so suddenly?"

"I think I have given you a good amount of my youth and bought many customers for, also gained a stalker but now I am done... and I am quitting."

Ace sat straight before sighing, "It would be a disaster to let you go but fine, if someday you want to rejoin, you are most welcome."

"I hope that day never comes," Yibo said.

"By the way, over the past years, I have done many favors to you... can you do me a favor?"

Yibo raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Before you quit I want you to take the last client."

"Who is it?"

"Someone who is dying for you." Ace said ,"come in."

When Yibo saw who the client was none other than the stalker the reason why he had accepted Zhan's proposal, Yibo immediately got up, "What the hell Ace!"

The man with a twisted smile and sinister eyes walked towards Yibo, "Come on, Yibo how can you act like that after seeing me?"

Yibo's heart was beating fast very fast, the man raised his hand to touch Yibo's face, "I missed you so much baby."

Yibo slapped his hand away, "Don't you dare to touch me Joe! you bloody freak, Ace I told you to black list him."

Yibo said but he suddenly felt an arm snake around his waist, "Why would he say no when I am offering to invest in his business?"

He pulled Yibo in and bought his face near his Yibo was so enraged that he punched him right in the face, "Fuck you bastard!"

"and fuck you too Ace!"

Ace got up and said,  "Yibo listen to me he said that he was drunk that day that's why..."

"Of course becasue he was drunk so he has the right to tie me to bed and whip me use various typed of toys on me without my consent!"

Joe rubbed his jaw," Come on you said yes to sex."

"I said yes to sex not abuse you bastard! and that was not safe sex at all, you scared the shit out me." Yibo shovered when he thought about that day when he was tied to bed as he was crying and all sorts of toys and things were used on him.

He was scared like hell although he didn't get seriously hurt or anything but that experience was still scary.

Plus after that Joe became his stalker, follwong him on socical media and everywhere else,and requesting to take him as a client again.

Fortunately he was approached by Zhan at the same time, so he was able to run away for a while.

Joe smirked, "Come on I know you enjoyed it."

Yibo felt disgusted and looked at Ace, "I quit and fuck you Ace," he then looked at Joe, "And you, if you showed yourself in front of me again I will kill you remember that."

He said and walked out of there.

While Joe smiled, "Fiesty as ever." he said and went after Yibo.

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