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"You look stunning," A-Xiang said as she looked at her brother dressed in a black suit, looking marvelous and she herself wearing a lovely pink silk gown with lovely embroidery on it.

Yibo smiled sweetly. "Thank you."

A-Xiang smiled and pinched both his cheeks before her eyes were filled with tears, and Yibo gently cupped her face, "why are you crying?"

"I am so happy for you, you have come so far." A-Xiang said as she gently wiped her tears and hugged her brother, "You have truly worked so hard to improve. I wish that you get every happiness in the world."

It has been two years since Yibo started dating Zhan, there were ups and downs arguments, and much more, many problems but in the end, they were able to overcome all the obstacles.

Yibo took therapy left his old job restarted and Zhan was with him in all the steps helping him and supporting him, Yibo's relationship with his parents had no improvement but his parents stopped belittling him or comparing him for which he was grateful.

His mother and father became kinder towards him and more understanding and it would be safe to say that his mother Anna was advised by May, May helped Anna understnad where she was wrong.

May and William became his parents during this time.

Yibo hugged his sister as well, "Thank you, for always being there for me Lil sis."

A-Xiang giggled, "Always."

They broke the hug before they were interrupted by a knock on the door and when they saw who it was their smile dimmed when they Saw their parents.

But A-Xiang smiled trying to keep the atmosphere joyful, "Mom, dad please come in."

Fay and Anna walked in they looked nervous, and the atmosphere became heavy, suddenly and Yibo did not like it, he wonders why with Zhan's family he never feels like this while with his parents the atmosphere becomes so heavy and suffocating.

Yibo wanted to try, at least one last time trying to improve this relationship before his wedding so he stepped ahead and with a faint smile spoke, "How do I look?"

His parents also smiled when Yibo asked that and this time his mother did not hold back, "My son looks the most handsome groom, I have ever seen in my entire life."

Yibo's smile brightened, it really mattered, his parent's sweet words and their involvement did matter like right now, today was his wedding this day was the happiest day of his life and one word from his mother made it more joyful.

He then looked at his father who smiled as well, "Lovely."

Yibo smiled and looked at them before he saw his mother's eyes become wet as she tried to forcefully smile but her expression betrayed her as she came ahead and hugged her son and Yibo did not push her back.

He does not remember when was the last time he had hugged his mother it was probably a very long time ago and this hug was so comforting and warming, that his own eyes became wet, "We are sorry, we are so sorry." she whispered as she hugged him tightly and Yibo hugged her back.

"It's okay mom."

She then broke the hug and Yibo wiped her tears before he looked at his father he took the initiative to hug his old man, his father kissed him on the head  and whispered, "I am sorry." After they broke the hug  Fay said.

"I am proud of you, I am so proud of you."

Yibo did not realize how much these words meant to him these words had such a strong impact that he couldn't help but shed some tears.

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