♥︎ Prologue ♥︎

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With a deep exhale, my black veil flutters. My fingers quake as I take my seat, choking back tears. I hoped this day would never come. I thought that we would rule together. That I'd never have to wear this ugly black veil. Yet here I am, sitting in a cold chair, my best friend somewhere in the Scle wilderness. Missing.

My hands continue to shake with fury, or at least I think it's fury. I clasp my Regalia, trying to calm the roar of emotions barely kept beneath the surface. A sigh of relief flows through when it thumps along with my heart.

The minister stands, and I pull myself together, pressing my fingernails into my palm, a thrill going through me at the pain.

"Today we are gathered because Princess Gaia of the Court of Aero has been presumed dead. She disappeared a month from today in the unknown wilderness of Scle. Our only hope is that she is in a better place now."

He continues to drone on, but I tune it out, focusing on keeping my anger at a polite level. My hands are clenched in my lap, and my breathing is labored. To others it could look like I'm itching to get back to my life.

After all, a princess doesn't cry.

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