♥︎ 16 ♥︎

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Slipping from my room, I make my way through the suspiciously empty halls. Footsteps sound behind me, and I duck into the closest doorway. Peeking around, I find myself face to face with Derek. I step away from the door frame, brushing off my skirts.


"Are you in need of anything, Princess Calla?"

"No, thank you. I was just uh..." I glance over my shoulder, so grateful when I see towering bookshelves. "I was looking for a book to read. I can only stand Apollo's conversation skills for so long."

I chuckle awkwardly, and motion behind my shoulder. "Unless I'm being summoned, I'll just go—"

"You shouldn't dig around, Princess. The Queen protects her privacy at all costs."

Nodding, I take a step back. That was creepy. He watches me for a second before continuing on to wherever he was previously going. The second his footsteps fade, I release a heavy breath. That was close. Not that I'm doing anything wrong. Just exploring.

Spinning around, I survey the library with a critical eye. Derek said Octavia protects her privacy. Perhaps there's some kind of secret passage in here. I already checked behind the banner in the other hall. All I found was a couple of cobwebs and some blank wall. It appears I'll find nothing here as well. With a sigh, I move to the nearest bookcase. It rises towards the ceiling ending far above my head. Leaning against it, I run a finger along the spines. One novel in particular catches my attention. The Shadow Man. Why would Octavia have a collection of ghost stories in her main library?

My brow furrows as I grab the thick book. However, when I try to pull it out, it doesn't move. Tugging harder, I grit my teeth, but it still doesn't budge. With a huff, I release it, and that's when the magic happens. Of course, it's not really magic.

Instead, a series of clicks sound as the bookshelf slowly drifts backwards. A dark, cold breeze floats through the room. Shivering, I step into the revealed room. The bookcase closes behind me with a resounding thud. No going back now.

The shadows part to reveal a secret... library? Glancing around, I take in the complete disarray of the room. Books are scattered everywhere along with papers and other miscellaneous objects.

"I have to say, Princess Calla, you've surprised me."

I whip around to face Queen Octavia, who's lounging on a low settee. She shifts to sit up, giving me a lazy smile.

"I probably should've foreseen this, alas I didn't. I assume you're looking for a place to hide a lost princess." Octavia looks up at me through her lashes. "If I knew, I'd tell you. Gaia Allsop is not here, Princess."

I scowl, folding my arms haughtily. "And why should I believe you?"

Octavia nods, her lips pressing down with approval. "That's a fair point. However, like all good points there's a counter: have I ever lied to you?"

"Yes," I blurt.

"When?" She deadpans, raising one eyebrow sarcastically.

I open my mouth to answer, but nothing comes. Has the Sclian Queen actually lied to me?

Octavia nods, looking casually at her fingernails as she lounges back on the settee. "Exactly what I thought, Princess. How about a little deal, hm?"

"Why would I make a deal with you? There's no reason to believe you're trustworthy," I question, shifting my weight.

"We just agreed that I've never lied to you, why would I be untrustworthy?" She looks up at me with narrowed eyes.

"Why? You kidnapped the Aeryan heir! What's trustworthy about that?"

Octavia chuckles, leaning her head back to look up at the ceiling. "You truly know nothing about the situation, do you?"

"I know enough," I insist, jutting my chin out.

"No, you don't. There's still much you don't know about the Allsops." She pauses, gaze flicking around as she thinks. "Do you know Queen Freya's story, Princess?"

My face scrunches in confusion. This is what she wants to talk about? "I do not. It's not proper for a Princess to gossip."

She snorts. "Proper. To Deimos with propriety. The Aeryan Queen was once an orphan. A nobody. Until her brother found favor with the then High King and Queen, Matteo and Diantha of the Court of Aero, may they find favor with Deimos. He became a soldier in the Aeryan army, and soon rose through the ranks. Eventually, he was second in command, and Freya found herself invited countless balls. The Aeryan Prince fell in love with her, and made her his wife," she recounts in an almost bitter tone. Like it has something to do with her.

"Your point is?"

"Must everything have a point?" She asks, turning her head to look at me. "I guess my point would be to be wary of what comes from nothing but becomes something great. You never know what they had to endure to get there."

She is one odd woman. I step quietly towards the door, and she snickers.

"Yes, run away lest the crazy Sclian Queen get you."

I scoff. "I'm not afraid of you."

Returning her gaze to the ceiling, Octavia mumbles somewhat sadly, "You should be."

Before I can say anything, something rams into my chest and the world goes dark.

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