Chapter 2

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Castiel was relentless over the next few days, never missing a chance to spark up a conversation with Dean. At first Dean had done his best to avoid any extended form of contact with him, but today he was actually looking forward to seeing Castiel.

He seemed to be growing on him, even managed to make Dean laugh the other day, not that he had really meant to.

Dean had made a comment about how Mr.MacLeod must have transferred from Hogwarts. And Castiel was so clueless, he seriously thought Hogwarts was some kind of disease and Dean just thought that was hysterical.

Seriously who didn't know what Harry Potter was?

Dean plopped into the same seat he'd been sitting in since the first day, eyeing the empty desk beside him. He hadn't taken Castiel as the type to be late for class, then again he hardly knew the kid.

The bell rang as he leaned his head back, doing his best to drown out MacLeods drawling voice. He had no idea how the dude managed it, but he seemed to make English even more uninteresting than it already was.

Class ticked by and there was still no sign of his newly-made dork of a friend, maybe he was out sick? Dean shook the thoughts out of his head, why should it matter to him? People skipped school all the time, he shouldn't be worrying about nothing.

The day continued and ended with the same boring schedule as usual, the only thing missing were those unnecessary long stares and that crooked smile.


Dean was parked out front of the middle school, fingers tapping the steering wheel impatiently. He'd only been waiting for fifteen minutes max, but he was getting ready to go into the school and track the kid down.

"Jesus Sammy what the hell happened to you?" Deans head ducked down to get a better look at his little brother, who was walking towards the impala with a crimson stained wad of toilet paper shoved against his nose.

"Nothing Dean," Sam mumbled, swinging open the door and sliding down into the passengers seat. He did his best to avoid Deans pushy stare, the last thing he wanted was for him to get mad, or worse, worry.

"Sam we both know you didn't fall down the friggin' stairs, did someone hit you or something?"

Sam stayed quiet as he pulled away the toilet paper to check if the blood had stopped falling, quickly shoving it back under his nose when he felt the warm liquid dribble past his lip and onto his shirt.

"Tilt your head back, it'll make it stop faster," Dean swore if he got any nose blood in his baby... "So do I need to go beat someone up for you or not?" The last thing he wanted was for his baby brother to have to deal with this shit at school.

"I got in a fight..." Sammy threw a glance at Dean to gauge his reaction, he didn't look disappointed or mad, he just looked tired. "I'm sorry Dean, they just.. They wouldn't stop making fun of this kid, and I just-"

"I get it Sam, it's alright." The corner of Deans lip cocked into a half smile, proud that his little brother had stood up for someone else, even if it had ended with a bloody nose. "But at least tell me the other kid left looking worse than you."

His little brother grinned, "Trust me Dean, he definitely didn't come out looking nearly as good as me."

Sam took his time getting out of the car when they got home, dreading the thought of what his father would do when he found out. Reluctantly he made his way to the door, Dean walking in sync right behind him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Sam?" Johns voice spoke up the moment they stepped into the house. Of course, the school must have called him about the fight.

He wasn't yelling, in fact his tone was low and angry, but that just made him even more terrifying to Sam.

"I'm sorry dad, I couldn't just stand there and let them hurt that kid.." Sammy's voice was quiet, his gaze not leaving his worn sneakers.

"You couldn't? Was it so fucking hard for you to just stand there? I didn't raise you to be a fuck up Sam!"

Dean's jaw clenched together, placing his hand on Sams shoulder as he pushed him aside. "Dad just leave Sammy alone, you know he's a good kid."

"Yeah you're right, he's better than your sorry ass." Johns attention turned to Dean, "At least he's not a total disappointment."

"Dad-" Sammy was cut off by Deans hand squeezing his shoulder, he shook his head once before pushing Sam towards his room down the hall. Dean didn't want him around for this, he was always worried that John would take it too far one day and hurt him.

Deans gaze followed Sam as he reluctantly went to his room, closing the door and locking it behind him. Sammy silently praying that he would be okay, the guilt would kill him if Dean ever took a hit for him.

"Yeah you're right, I am a disappointment." After so many years of listening to his father call him a mistake, Dean had started to believe it himself.

"Oh would you look at that. The first smart thing I've ever heard you say!" John's voice was growing louder as he took a step towards Dean, his fist balling up.

Dean eyed Sammy's door, hoping to god the lock would stand if John decided to turn his attention back to his little brother. He felt so angry, so hurt, so useless. At least he could protect Sam, for now.

He turned away from John, swinging open the door before storming out of the house. Dean was done with his shit, for now he'd ignore the fact that he would have to go back for Sammy's sake.

"Yeah just run away like the fucking pansy you are!" John voice called after him as he stood at the door, watching Dean walk down the street before he disappeared around the corner.

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