Chapter 3

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It had been hours since Dean had left the house, the crisp night air clearing away the thoughts of what had happened earlier. But there was one thing gnawing at the back of his head, was Sammy still okay?

The street lights had flickered off one by one long ago, not that Dean really minded, he wasn't scared of the things that went bump in the night.

He turned down another random street, refusing to admit to himself that he was totally and completely lost.

He'd find his way home eventually... Right?

The headlights of a car passing by threw shadows around him, the red glare of the brake lights still in view as it came to a stop just ahead of him.

Deans pace quickened, his hand wrapping tightly around the switch blade stashed away in his pocket.

Why was that car backing up towards him?

His green eyes glared holes into the sidewalk beneath him, doing his best to ignore the car that was now slowly driving beside him.

John had done at least one decent thing for him, he had taught him how to defend himself after he'd lost a fight in middle school.

He silently hoped it wouldn't come to that.


Wait, he knew that voice. Dean looked up only to find that confused look plastered on Castiels face.

A small relieved smile crossed Dean's lips as he turned on his heels, walking towards the rolled down drivers side window. "Hey dude, the hell are you doing out so late?"

"Well I could ask you the same thing, couldn't I?" Castiel countered, his lips turning up into a friendly smile.

Since when was his smile so... Adorable?

"It's a long story," And a story Dean didn't really feel like sharing, not right now.

Castiel nodded slowly, if he didn't want to talk about it then he wouldn't pry. "Do you need a ride anywhere?"

Dean was actually surprised at the offer, but accepting it meant admitting he had been lost and he was not about to let that happen. "Nah I'm fine, it's nice out, ya know.. For walking?"

"Yes, I've heard it's a big trend to roam around the bad part of town in the middle of the night," Castiels voice had the smallest hint of sarcasm. His lips twitching up into a smile again, pretty aware that Dean was most likely lost, after all he had just moved here.

"You mean like the ghetto?" Deans voice trailed off, whoops. Definitely not the place to be if he didn't want to get into a fight. "You know what, I think I'll say yeah to that ride."

Castiel nodded towards to passenger side door, and Dean walking around the car and got in. "So if this is the 'bad part of town' what are you doing around here?"

"Business," Castiels answer was simple, not elaborating as he continued down the road.

A noise that sounded suspiciously like a snort escaped through Deans nose, "What are you in a gang or something?"

Castiels eyebrows narrowed as he glanced at him, "No..." Did he seem like the type to be in a gang? "My father is a pastor at Saint Adam's, he asked me to drop off the details of the next food drive to the local church here."

Dean let out an embarrassed cough, "Oh." It was suddenly clear that that was probably the reason why Castiel was such a proper kid, which reminded him, "Why weren't you at school today?"

"My father was busy today so I had to take my little brother Luci to his psychiatrist appointment." There was a smile playing at Castiels lips, had Dean missed him?

"Your brothers name is seriously Lucy?"Dean did his best to hold back the grin threatening to escape, but the amusement in his voice was a dead give away.

"Well Luci is just his nickname, it's short for Lucifer," Castiel let out a shrug, turning down a street that looked a lot friendlier than the ones Dean had been roaming around earlier.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Dean was skeptical, but Castiel wasn't exactly the type to crack a joke like that.

"Of course not, why would I be joking?" Castiels brows furrowed once more and Dean noted that he seemed to do that a lot, the confused look looked good on him.

"I thought your dad was a pastor? Why would he name his kid Lucifer?" No wonder the poor kid had to go to counseling.

"Lucifer was once an angel too, Dean."

Dean rubbed the back of his neck before deciding to change the subject, the last thing he wanted was a religious lesson on angels.

"So where are we going?" He had never asked Dean where he lived, and unless he was some kind of stalker he figured Castiel wasn't taking him home.

"I was just kind of... driving," Castiel admitted, his voice was sheepish as he glanced over at Dean. Honestly he hadn't wanted to drop Dean off any time soon.

"Well how bout we stop off somewhere for a little? My ass is sore as hell," Dean lied, wait why was he lying? He thought for a moment, coming to the conclusion that it was kind of nice to have someone to talk to for once.

"Of course Dean."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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