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"So? Did you get your answer from Mr. Kim?" Yoongi hyung asked, I shook my head negatively, "Idk if it was the answer that I was looking for", I answered him but he just cocked his eyebrow at me so I continued, " I asked him directly like you suggested Hyung but he just said Prof. Namjoon and him really respects my father coz he took care of their education expenses for them till they did their Ph.D. complete and from what I've been observing Mr. Kim really takes his job seriously and last time he gave me love advice too", Yoongi Hyung started to laugh at me but then stated, " I've told you, kook, Mr. Kim is not like that and he is a very honest person too but m glad you are doing great in your sessions, I saw latest sem results and you just climbed from the bottom to top 2 huh! Great man! Keep it up! And do thank Mr. Kim he is really putting his efforts to manage your GPA", I just nodded, maybe it was my fault that without knowing anything I just assumed whatever came to my mind coz for the last 3 weeks Mr. Kim didn't ask me any personal questions and our tutoring is also going smoothly, it is my way to show him that m sorry for what I did so m trying to perform well in my academics.

Hyung's question pulled me out of my thoughts as I was laying there on his bed while he was doing something on his laptop, " So how are the things b/w you and yoona? I've never seen you this serious for any girl she must be special", I smiled hearing her name, yoona joined our college in mid sem a month back tho I had my eyes on her but turned out she used to know yougyeom my bestie so it was mutual friendship at first but slowly I've realized that this is not just like but has turned into love, so I and yoona started to date, I also asked Mr. Kim about his answer on love and his answer made me realize that I should not let this opportunity go and started to focus on my career as well as my relationship with yoona, I smiled, " I can say I am really happy hyung and yes I am really serious with her after this sem break m gonna propose her so even if we remain engaged till our career gets settled at least it would be nice to take next step in our relationship." Hyung looked at me surprised but then smirked, " I am glad you are leading a healthy lifestyle kook." Before he could ask more abt my relationship I asked him instead, " what abt ur midget?  Did you tell him your feelings?", at that he just sighed and nodded, " We slept together numerous times but whenever I try to share my feelings with him he just cuts me off but I'll try my best to win him over", I know why he is doing this he must be hating me for bullying him that's why he is hurting Hyung like this, " I know you can do it Hyung, now I'll get going, I promised to take Yoona on the date this evening," he just nodded and gave me his gummy smile.

I've been trying Yoona's number for the past an hour but she is not picking up, I hope she is okay, "ring" "ring", I picked up the call finally she called back, " hey baby where are you, I'm in front of the convenience store at the crossroad," I asked but she just replied, " I'm sorry Jungkook I can't come today my family friends are here so I need to be here with my mom to help her out, I was going to inform you but got busy with stuff here," I heard her sweet voice but I know it was not intentional so I replied, " it's ok baby no problem take care and enjoy and don't feel bad about it let's meet tom.", with that we hang up. I turned to go to my bike when suddenly I bumped into someone, " ouch!", I heard the small whimper and saw Mr. Kim on the floor with his grocery bags on his side while he was rubbing his forehead, he was wearing a baby blue hoodie with white jeans and his hair was messed up like he ran his hands numerous times through them, I extended my hand to him and said, " I'm sorry Mr. Kim I didn't saw you there, are you okay?'" he took my hand and stood up but he didn't replied just looked behind him then looked at me and smiled, " I'm ok Jungkook and it's my fault too I was not looking where I was going so I'm sorry too," despite saying that his answer didn't convince me as he was frequently looking behind him but then I noticed a guy standing near the alley, looks like he was stalking Mr. Kim before I could move toward that guy Mr. Kim held my hand and shook his head, " Don't try Jungkook, he is just a stalker, I have informed police about him so they must be on their way, I already send them his pic that I took in convenience store's mirror so it would be easy for them to catch him before he could harm any girl in this locality", I got surprised at his words, he is so mature like while I would choose violence, he just did the same thing without violence, I sighed and asked him, " your grocery bags looks heavy if you don't mind then can I escort you home, plz don't refuse I want to do it for my own satisfaction", he didn't say anything just nodded so I escorted him to his house and it was not far just 10 min walk from convenience store, after reaching his house while I held Mr. Kim's grocery bags, he opened the door I was going to leave and I think he noticed it too so he just invited me inside, " Jungkook come on in, you helped me a lot today those bags were really heavy so thank you for helping me out there," he smiled with that I observed his small apartment but it gave that homy feeling that I've never felt, he had shoe cupboard on entrance where his wall were covered with pictures, some were taken with students , prof. Namjoon and of course with my dad in a few of them with both Mr. Kim and Prof. Namjoon, and then my eyes fell on a big framed picture of Mr. Kim and an old lady, she must be his mother, Mr. Kim was smiling brightly there with tears in his eyes while he was hugging his mother and his mother was holding his doctorate with a proud smile and teary eyes, now looking at them I noticed resemblance in both of them Mr. Kim is the male version of his mother, she must have been really beautiful in her young years, " Jungkook?" I turned around and saw Mr. Kim in his living room which has a kitchen joint setting the plate of cookies, is that banana milk? on the table in front of his couch, he started, " those pictures are my memories, now c'mon have some snacks I didn't know what would you like so I've got you some home-baked cookies and banana milk, I saw you drinking it numerous times in college, is that ok with you?" I stared at him, no one ever asked me what I like ever before, I just gulped and nodded, I took my seat on his couch and saw his bedroom's door and balcony just behind the couch, I started," thank you for snacks Mr. Kim, these cookies, did u bake them?" he nodded and started, " I like to cook and try different recipes in my free time, so try them and tell me if it matches your standard," he giggled and I started munching on and for god sake's these cookies are heaven in mouth and with banana milk, it just became much better, I didn't realize but I finished off everything but then I looked up and saw him smiling at my antics and I just stopped and started to look around, " glad you liked them." I heard him say, so before I embarrass myself more I stood up, " thank you for such a delicious treat, Mr. Kim, I'll get going now it's getting dark too," he nodded and I started to wear my shoes, when I heard him, " Wait Jungkook!", I turned around and saw Mr. Kim holding a small paper bag, "here take some cookies home, eating something sweet while studying really boost up concentration", he didn't wait for my refusal and just pushed the bag on my hands and I took them with me.

As I got out of my shower I saw that cookie bag and wondered out loud, " how can you be so nice to someone who misbehaved with you so much, no one ever took their time to understand my likes and dislikes and here you are surprising me every time, what are you Kim Seokjin?"

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