Chapter 2: A Plan

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I glared at the wall of our makeshift base. We are currently in a small abandoned warehouse that is out in the middle of nowhere. I was seething with anger. I couldn't believe it. I was taken down by the old Weasley and now I am left to deal with his son which is being a bigger pain than normal.

"Why can't we just go back and build it again? I mean they can't guard it forever can they?" He asked for, what seemed like, the millionth time today.

"Are you that stupid or just lack the ability to think logically?" I asked. "We can't go back because they'll be expecting it. We have to do three things. One, set them on edge and want to keep them at a distance but not want to go too far. Two, keep moving so they don't figure out our weaknesses and use them to their advantage. Finally, we need to have something that will keep them on their toes but give us some leverage for a while."

He just looked at me with confusion radiating off of him like the stench he carries around because of the lack of places to shower.

"Do I have to talk to you like a two year old?" I groaned before a smirk took over my face as I realized what time of year it was as well as what we could use against them. "Hey Weasley, see if you can put your brain to use and tell me what time of year it is."

"Um, it's November." He replied.


"School would have started."

"And?" I pressed even harder, urging him to figure it out on his own.

He thought about it for a minute before speaking. "Oh yeah, the third through eighth year students will be taking their first trip of the year to Hogsmeade." He smiled.

"And do you know who will be among those students?" I questioned further. He just looked at me with a blank stare. I held back the urge to curse the boy and sighed. "As it turns out, my dear nephew has a few kids of his own. One of them is in 5th year and another is in 3rd year."

His face turned to one of realization.

"We're going to kidnap their kids and use them to keep them at bay and our leverage. They won't come near us if we send them threats about their children." He exclaimed.

"Exactly." I nodded before sighing. "Finally, you manage to put more than one brain cell together."

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it." I waved him off before I shared my plan and told him what his job would be as well as signals, timing, and other things he would need to know.

When I finished speaking, he nodded in understanding before standing up from his place on the floor. "Before we go, I would like to find a place with a shower and a change of clothes."

I nodded, finally agreeing with him on something. We left the room we were in and apparated to a nearby shop with an assortment of clothes. We walked in and picked out a few things before leaving again, completely undetected. We walked around the alleyways for a few minutes before coming to an old apartment building.

I picked the lock and entered the building, completely aware of the disgusting looks of the room we now stood in. There was no furniture, but the walls were peeling, the carpet was stained with merlin knows what, and there was broken glass and trash all over the place. I grimaced before walking through the room and into the small hall where I found the bathroom. I entered and locked the door behind me, grateful that this room was at least a bit cleaner than the one I left the red haired nuisance in.

I stripped out of my old ragged black dress and stepped into the shower, tensing as the cold water hit my back. I cursed at the lack of heat before I climbed out, my dwindling anger resurfacing because I failed to grab anything to properly wash myself with. I got out and took one of the towels out from under the sink. I pushed down the thought of not knowing where it had been and dried off the best I could before throwing it on the floor, picked up my clean clothes, and slipped them on. I managed to grab a black leather jacket, black lace shirt, and black jeans.

I groaned at the feeling of my body feeling so restricted and made a mental note to get another dress soon. When I finished, I left the bathroom so my accomplice could clean up and ran my hands through my hair. I looked out the window and smirked as I thought over my plan again. This was going to be a simple task.

There is no way their second born is as stubborn as Draco because his mother is a coward and can hardly hold her own. She was so fragile and I couldn't help but chuckle as I remembered that I was the one that made her that way. Sure Weasley was a part of it, but it was obvious that I inflicted more pain on her than he ever could.

People passed by the window without sparing a glance in my direction. I scoffed as their stupidity allowed them to pass by a murderer without knowing knowing it.

The ease of which I could take their lives was laughable. I sighed as I heard the bathroom door being opened and the sound of footsteps over the creaking floorboards.

"So, are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Where?" He asked.

"It's official, you are now a certified idiot." I stated before stalking towards him. "Let's play a game. I ask you questions and you answer them as fast as you can. Take too long, you get punished. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am." He nodded.

"First question. What is today?"


"What's tomorrow?"


"What were we talking about earlier today?"

"Hogwarts?" He questioned.

"What else?"


"Other than that?"

He took a second to answer. "The Malfoy kids?"

"Yes and if tomorrow is their first trip to Hodsmeade, two of them will be there."

"How do you know so much about them?" He questioned.

"I swear a dead man is smarter than you. They are the KIDS of my NEPHEW. I am RELATED to them. I have files hidden away from every member that comes into the family. Whether it be through marriage, birth, adoption, anything. The paper updates every time something like this happens, which also gives me information on the person, ranging from their name, to their looks, to their school, siblings, description, hobbies, likes, dislikes, and moment of conception." I smirked as the red head's face turned from confusion to one of realization.

"Oh, that's smart. Kinda creepy, but smart." He smiled before it fell. "Do you have files like that for more than one family or just yours?"

I just stared at him as he gazed down at the floor. "Why do you care?"

"I- I was wondering if you had files on my family." He muttered.

"Not currently. but I could do one on the Weasley's if you are so desperate to know that is happening with them. Of course it will come with a price." I added.

He looked up at me with a hint of, what looked to be, anger in his eyes. "No, I don't want to know."

I hummed, knowing that he was lying but didn't say anything else on the subject, instead grabbed his sleeve and apparated us to a clearing in the forbidden forest.

When he gained his bearings, he shot a glare in my direction. "A warning would be nice." He snapped.

"Too bad." I shrugged before casting a few spells around the area. "We will stay here for the night, tomorrow you are going to hide out in Hogsmeade to try and get the younger boy. I will take on the older."

He looked as though he wanted to say something but shut his mouth and simply nodded.

I looked at my spell work before nodding in content and sat down on the ground. We have an interesting day ahead of us.

With that last thought, I cast a secret spell around myself so the man a few yards away couldn't try to curse or kill me as I slept.

"Prepare yourself my dear nephew. You are in for a surprise." I muttered before sleep took over.

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