Part 1 - Bad Dream </3

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As Jef passed through the dark hallway to go get a drink from the bathroom, he heard quiet sniffles nearby. Was it one of the pets? No, it couldn't have been, it sounded like a person. Did Napsap have another nightmare? He walked over to Napsap's bedroom door and held his ear up close but it definitely wasn't coming from that room. However, it was getting louder. He kept walking the hall until there were only two rooms left to see; the bathroom and Good's room. He opened the bathroom door but nobody was there. Was it really coming from Good's room? Hung on his door was a sign that specifically read, "NO ENTRY". Jef looked down at the handle and noticed the door was locked, obviously.

"Good?" He whispered quietly, to not wake the others up but due to Good's sensitive hearing, he would hear.

From the other side of the door, Jef could hear shifting and a quiet thud, something fell? After a little more noise, the door unlocked but nobody opened it. Jef apprehensively turned the handle and stepped inside. He'd never been in Good's room but it was mostly neat and tidy, apart from the bed on which Good was sitting on, facing away from the door, hood up. Was he seriously wearing his cloak at this time of night? His legs were drawn up as he was hugging them, his head low down and his breath shaking.

"What do you want?" Good started, with a deeper than usual (and quite croaky) voice that broke at the end of his sentence.

"I..I heard sniffing from your room and wanted to see if you were okay. I can leave if you want, I know you don't li-"

"Shush." Good interrupted.


"You're being too loud," he slowly shifted around but his head hung low, his face covered with hair and his cloak, "Close the door." Jef obeyed, then moved closer to him as Good folded his arms and lowered his head even more. The sniffing began again. Jef soon realised it was crying. He was quite shocked, he had never heard him cry before, he always seemed too tough to cry. He inched towards Good's bed where he sat down and put an arm around the taller. To his surprise, Good leaned into him and his crying grew louder as sparks emitted from his horns and flew across the perimeter of the room. Jef knew this was a silencing charm as Good had used it a few times before when he was raging from losing Bedwars. He hugged the other as Good's head slid to the crook of Jef's neck and his hood slipped off.

He didn't think he'd ever seen Good without his hood on and went to put it back on but was stopped when Good took his hand and put it back down. He embraced the warm aroma Good's figure carried.

After a while, his crying grew to a halt and a cat suddenly entered the room, the door closing with magic. The pretty cat was grey and had green eyes. It jumped onto Good's lap as he lifted his head and smiled, his very sharp teeth showing.

"Hey Rat" He chuckled but his face quickly changed to a frown as he looked back at Jef.

"Do you wanna talk about it or..?" Jef cautiously asked.

Good ignored the question, implying a no, as he played with the cat. Not wanting to be awkward and just leave, Jef looked around the room, there was a gaming setup with energy drink cans scattered all over the desk. There was a bean bag shrunken in the corner of the room and books littered on the floor around it. There was another desk, but it was covered in art supplies, sketchbooks and notebooks. An easel leaned on the chair. He looked back at Good to find he was being watched.

"Nosey bugger." He whispered, smirking as Jef shoved his arm softly.

"No I'm not! I've just never been in here before. I also didn't know you did art."

Good's face went grey with embarrassment. "I've just grown up using art as an outlet, I guess. I wouldn't exactly consider any of my works to be masterpieces though, they're quite absurd," Good stood up, unfortunately for the cat, and walked to the desk where he pointed at some canvases, lifting them with magic. He flew them over to Jef where he walked back and sat down again. "Evidently". He twisted some loose strands of his bright white hair around his finger and smiled (.. nervously?) as he looked at the floor.

"I think they look cool!" In reality, he thought some were a little weird, but everyone has different tastes and he did say art was his outlet, maybe he made these when he wasn't in his right state of mind? If so, you can definitely tell.

"Are you forgetting I can sense emotions?" Good reminded him.


"Chill, don't feel guilty, I even said myself they're quite weird."

"I guess so," Jef replied.


"Thanks, by the way."

"For what?"

"Y'know...earlier." Clearly he didn't want to talk about it as he lifted his hand to the back of his head.

"No worries!" Jef said, smiling.

Good looked away, his breathing slowed increasingly. He leaned on one of the blue cushions and closed his eyes, slowly stroking Rat. Jef was going to get up and leave, judging by the dark, large bags under Good's bright eyes, he needed to rest. However, he felt something warm on his hand.

"Don't leave, you might wake the others up."

"Oh..okay." And as the stars twinkled in the sky, the house of the Nightmare Team was finally at rest.

JefHalo Story (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now