Chapter 1: Savannah Langley

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How can your life go from 0 to 100 so fast? I was your typical good girl, perfect grades, never got in trouble etc. That was until I met him, Owen Adam's. We met in our last year of high-school and he made me believe I was the one. And I believed him because I wanted to feel loved. We dated for a year, and then he broke up with me, cause I didn't want to have sex.

I saw him again, two years after our graduation. Since we had friends in common, we saw each other at our friend's birthday and decided to be civil. But we got really friendly and drank a lot that night and ended up having sex at his place.

"Hey, last night was fantastic." He kissed me.

"It really was." I giggled. "So, what now?"

Stupid me thought, maybe this is our second chance to be together, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

"You should leave, but if you ever want to fuck again, call me." He smirked.

"I thought-"

He just laughed, and told me he only wanted me for sex. I felt like an idiot. I dressed up quickly, but before I left, I punched his balls. I hope I don't have to see him again.


And I spoke too soon, cause even though I didn't want to see him, I kinda had to. Which brings us to our current moment.

"Owen, say something."

"This is your problem not mine, I'm leaving the country with my fiancée." He said with so much anger.

"My problem? It takes two to tango, you asshole!" I was furious.

"We used protect-"

"No we didn't, we got careless because we were wasted." I wiped my tears.

"Get rid of it!"

"No, I'm a month pregnant and I'm not going to get rid of my baby. I just came to let you know that I'm pregnant with your baby, so you don't get surprised in the future."

"I don't want that baby, you can do whatever you want it."

I just looked at him and wonder, what did I ever see in him. "Goodbye."


I went home and told dad the news, in his eyes I was a mistake. And that I should also get rid of my baby. I'm surrounded by such loving people. My mom died 5 years ago and dad was never the same. He started gambling and losing all of his money and even mine, the one that I worked hard, day and night.

I want to become a Pastry chef, but the scholarship that was offered to me, only covered half of it. And dad didn't want to pay for my career, so I work to the closest thing, a cute little bakery called, Aurora's Sweets. Is very popular here in New York.

"We have no money left, so you better ask for a raise, I have tons of debts to pay. And now with your baby, we will have no money!"

"Whose fault is it? You gamble a lot and lost all our money!" I was furious. "How about you start working again. I don't know, Get your company back on track."

Once upon a time, dad was a successful business man. Had his company, he run it with mom. When she died, he didn't care about the company anymore, fell into a dark place and never came back. But the one thing he never did, was to move on, meet someone new. He said he had the best and wasn't going to settle for less.

"Being there would only bring me memories of us together. Besides, I lost all the money and no one wants to do business with me. I'm a joke in the business world. And I already owe one company so much money. I have only ten more days to pay it or I will land in jail." He rubbed his hair in frustration and then yelled.

"Well, unless you win the lottery, you can always sell this house." I suggested and he glared at me.

"I will never fucking get rid of this house. It was your mother's dream to have it so I rather land in jail!"

I give up, I just shook my head and went to my room and locked it, I lay on my bed and rubbed my belly.

"I know I'm still young to be having a baby, but I can't wait to meet you." I smiled looking at my belly.

I need to find a new bank and make a savings account. One that dad doesn't know of and save money until I can leave this place. I can't keep living here, is too toxic and I don't want my baby to grow up in this environment.

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