Chapter 3: Meeting The Carter's

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I got ready, and before leaving, dad just gave me a hug and that he was sorry. I really hope he gets it together.

"We're meeting my parents right now. Behave and follow my lead." He said as his eyes were focused on the road.

"Yes Master, whatever you wish." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "My sister will be there too, she will ask you how we met, where, when and many more. Don't get nervous or you'll blow up everything before it starts."

"Don't worry honey." I kissed his cheek, "everything will be alright." I wanted to slap him so hard.

As always, I spoke too soon. He parked in front of a mansion and as soon as I opened the door of his car, I threw up.

"Seriously Savannah!?"

"It's called morning sickness!" I huffed, "I can't control it, okay."

"What's with the yelling?" We turned to see, a young woman. "Wow, morning sickness has gone wild."

"Sorry, I'll clean this up. I couldn't help it." I said sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it, I'll send someone to clean it." She smiled, "I'm Valerie, that doofus sister."

I chuckled as we shook hands.

"I'm Savannah, but I'm assuming he already told you all about me."

She nodded. "I'm excited to be an aunt."

I smiled and felt so bad. Stupid Luke, this is all his fault. I hate lying to people.

"Shall we?"

I nodded. We entered the house and went to the living-room. There they were, his parents. Okay, I can do this and pretend I'm a sweet romantic girlfriend, without blowing it.

"Mom, dad. This is-"

"Savannah, sweetie. We haven't seen you in years." His mom hugged me.

"How are you doing?" His dad asked.

"I'm doing good." I smiled as I gave Luke, a side hug and laid my head on his chest.

"When you told me that you found someone, I thought for a moment that you paid someone to pretend to be your girlfriend." His dad looked at him and then at me. "But seeing Savannah here, is enough to know that is real."

"How come I never met you?" Valerie, asked me.

Before I could answer, her mom answered for me. "Because you refused to attend your dad's business parties. Savannah, here, always attended."

"Ah that's right." She giggled. "At least you found a good girl."

"That I did, and I can't wait for our baby to be born." He kissed my cheek.

"So, when is the wedding?" Valerie asked.

"In two weeks. I want her to be permanently mine." He smiled while looking down at me.

I smiled back. But deep down, I wanted to cry, I always imagined that when I would get married, it would be for love and not forced.

"I want our wedding to be just family and a small one please. I'm not into big parties or fancy stuff." I told them.

His parents just smiled at me and Valerie, had a huge grin. I'm confused.


"We're just happy that my brother found someone who doesn't see him as the dollar sign." She replied.

"And we're so happy that is you who will be part of our family. Your mom was my best friend and I miss her everyday. You remind me so much of her." His mom hugged me.

Tears fell down my cheeks. "I miss her too."

We pulled away and went to have lunch. I didn't know I needed that hug, til I hugged her.


We stayed there for a few hours, and then went to his place. Do they all live in mansions?

"This is your room, has everything you need, bathroom, closet, etc. My room is off limit, don't enter it without knocking first, that also applies to my office down the hall." He told me as he handed me, my luggage. "Understood?"

"Yes, king douche." I salute him.

He rolled his eyes as I went to open my suitcase and on top was my mom's gift. I just smiled.

"You already bought baby clothes?"

"I haven't. Mom saw this onesie in one of her trips and thought it would be cute to buy it." It said 'Grandma loves me.' "Later she told me, she bought it, to prank dad." I chuckled.

He just nodded, geez show some emotion dude. "There's an empty room next to yours, you can decorate it however you like, for your baby."

"How long do you plan on staying married to me?"

"Til I get what I want." He smirked.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "So, I'm forced to stay here for as long as you please. What if I meet someone?"

He laughed. "You won't. You're pregnant and once the baby arrives, it will keep you so busy, that dating will be impossible."

"What about when the baby is old enough?"

"Listen, when I get what I want, I'll let you free." He said simply.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay, smart-pants. And what about my baby, are you forgetting that to everyone, the baby is yours too?"

He lifted my chin and made me look directly in his eyes. "Well, let's hope that the baby looks like his/her, father. Then I can just say, that you cheated on me while we were together in those three months."

I laughed humorless. "You know what, I really hope my baby looks a lot like me and not like that sperm donor. Then I can say, look hubby, she's my mini me, better luck next time."

"We shall see, Savannah." He just smiled.

I just looked at him and sighed. I honestly don't understand this guy. He could've picked any woman in the country, one that didn't come with a baby included, yet he chose the difficult one.

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