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𝅝 : Semibreve

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𝅝 : Semibreve.
A whole note or semibreve in musical notation is a single note equivalent to or lasting as long as two half-notes or four quarter-notes.


My vision was gone.

"Oh no." I began to pace around the room, rubbing my temples, attempting to try and remember where it might have gone. I inhaled sharply, rummaging through my belongings once again. 'How could I lose it?' I continued to look, before deciding to get some fresh air. While I was descending down the stairs, I overheard some of the chatter amongst the Fatui. Something about a child and a Gnosis? Whatever. I rushed out the door, and felt the gravel under my feet as I sucked in a breath of fresh air.

The sun was still out.
I squinted, placing one of my hands above my sight to get a better look around.
That's when I saw it.
A building,with banners of swords hung along the sides.
The Knights of Favonius.
They can help me.
I began to rush up about 2 flights of stairs, before finally reaching the building. There was only one problem.
It was crowded.
Many guards were attempting to hold the crowd back, as I approached one of the armored men.
"Um, sir, do you happen to know if any of the Knights are in-"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but the Knights are currently very busy at the moment."
"I mean, is there something you can do?"
"No ma'am. I am truly sorry, I cannot help you."
I was starting to lose my patience.
"You are absolutely sure that none of the-"
"Yes. Now, would you mind stepping back?" The guard began to usher me away.
"Look, I've just lost my vision, okay?!" I blurted, instantly regretting it.

The guard looked at me with surprise.
The area grew silent. Well, except for the large bickering crowd two feet away.
"W-Well, I think the Cavalry Captain isn't too busy, I can try and squeeze you in."
"But isn't the Cavalry Captain supposed to-" I quickly stopped myself from finishing my sentence. Though it wouldn't have mattered, as the guard I had once been talking to entered the headquarters, leaving me alone. The crowd continued to wail things like, "Master Jean, please, I just need to find my cat!" and "Master Jean, The shipments are being delayed again!"
Wow. Mondstadt sure isn't as problem free as it seemed. I mean, this is the nation of Freedom, and when you let anybody do whatever they desire, it surely won't end well.

I spotted the guard exit the building, gesturing me up the stairs.
Once I arrived inside, I gazed around in awe. The floors were spotless, and-
I layed my eyes on a young man leaning against the wall next to one of the doors, with his arms crossed. His tan skin seemed to glow before me, his ice blue eyes glistening against the fluorescent lighting. His hair was a navy blue, a long ponytail draped in front of his shoulder. He also wore an eyepatch and a very peculiar looking fur collar. The male straightened his stance, unfolding his arms before approaching me.

"So, you must be the visionless one." He spoke in a tender voice, as he greeted me with a small smile.
"Yes, it so happens." I grumbled, patting my thigh impatiently.
"Well," The male clicked his tongue, signaling the guard to leave, before approaching me further. "Go ahead. Talk to me."
I began to tell him the entire story of my day, including the adventurer's guild, the Hilichurls, the Fatui, etcetera, etcetera.

Once I finished speaking, I let out a sigh of relief, before turning toward the Captain. He seemed to be spaced out.
"Hello? Heeellooooo~"
Still no response.
"Cavalry Captain?-" I waved a hand in front of his face, leaning over to see if he finally snapped out of it.
"Yes?- Oh, I'm so sorry." The man allowed a soft laugh escape his lips, shooting me a mysterious gaze.

I returned to him a deathly glare, frowning indefinitely.
He let out another laugh, seeing my expression. "You had mentioned something about the Fatui speaking amongst themselves of a child and Gnosis?"
I furrowed my brows. "Yes, they were. How is that relevant?"
"No matter." He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "But we do, believe that the Fatui have been eager to succeed in creating fake visions."
I was very intrigued.
"Go on, please."

He nodded, darting his ice blue eyes around before continuing. "Rumors have been spread from other regions that many other vision bearers have lost their visions to the Fatui."
I exhaled. "Wow. Is this, vision stealing, is it common?" I worried of how many people had lost their visions due to this.
The Captain shrugged.

I pursed my lips. "You sure do know a lot.. and clearly aren't very good at keeping secrets."
He stared at me with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Well.. let's worry less about that, and focus more on getting your vision back." He said sternly, before beginning to approach the large door from where I entered.
"Er.. Is it possible that there's a back door?"
The Captain turned to look at me, raising a brow.
"Unless you want to get jumped, I suggest we use another exit."

As I exited a door from the side of the building, I turned my attention toward the male, motioning him to walk out the door.
As I held the door for him, he gracefully stepped out. I began to wait for his thanks, it unfortunately never came.
"What are you doing? Didn't know you were such a slacker." He curved his lips into a seductive expression, placing one hand on his hip.
I scoffed, closing the door before joining him by his side. "You know, I would really appreciate it if you can thank me when I hold open the door for you."
He raised a brow, turning his head to look at me, as his eyes widened. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I didn't notice. I'll try hard to thank you next time."
For some reason, despite his calm and mellifluous tone, I could sense a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Wait.." I stopped dead in my tracks. "You never told me what we were going to do about my vision."
The Captain nodded. "Right, I must have forgotten to speak my thoughts." The male placed an arm in front of his chest, the other propped up against it, holding his chin in place.*

*kaeya's thinking pose I guess?

"Hm..I was actually wondering if we could question the Fatui guard you came into contact with, don't you think?"
I started fidgeting with the various trinkets assorted on my outfit. "Um, well, I think-"
"Wh- HUH?!" I irked, releasing my hands from the items I was playing with.
He didn't even let me finish?!
"Let's get going now." The male began to continue on his path, leaving me to catch up.
"You are so ruthless."
"So I've been told."


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚜 (Kaeya x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now