Chapter 2: Stomach Flu ( Michael ) continued

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Michael's POV: I am on stage getting ready for sound check to start,when my stomach starts to bother me again but this time the pain has gotten intense.

Michael: Ugh. * he groans grabbing his stomach *

Karen: Sweetheart, what's wrong? * she asked her son with concern in her voice *

Michael: My stomach is bothering me again and the pain is really intense. * he says doubling over all of a sudden *

Karen: Do you need the toilet?

Michael: I don't know. * he says before gagging *

Karen: Sweetie, do you need to throw up?

Michael: Yeah. * he says groaning again, before he started gagging again *

Karen: Let's get you to the bathroom.

Michael: Okay.

Adam: Do you need help?

Karen: No, I got him.

Adam: Okay.

Karen: Thanks.

Adam: No problem.

Karen: I got you baby, I got you.

Michael: It hurts, so bad.

Karen: I understand but we are almost in the bathroom.

Michael: Ah.

Karen: Here we are, we made it to the bathroom.

Michael: Okay. * he says kneeling in front of the toilet, gagging again *

Karen: It's okay honey, it's okay. * she says rubbing her sons back *

Michael: Ugh. * he groans before spewing in the toilet *

Karen: It's okay, you're okay.

Michael: Hmm. * he groans before spewing in the toilet a second time *

Karen: There, There Baby, There, There. * she says continuing to rub his back *

Every time he heard the sound of everything coming out of his mouth and the sound it made in the toilet,he cringed and threw up more.

Karen: I'm right here. * she said rubbing his back *

Michael: That was awful. * he says flushing the toilet after he finished *

Karen: Here you go babe. * she says handing him a bottle of water *

Michael: Thanks. * he says taking the bottle and drinking out of it *

Karen: No problem sweetie.

Ashton: You okay man?

Michael: Yeah, I just needed to throw up.

Ashton: Okay.

Luke: Your stomach isn't hurting right?

Michael: Well, my stomach is still hurting but it's not as intense as it was before I threw up.

Luke: Okay.

Calum: So, your good.

Michael: Yes but for now.

Adam: Just let one of us know if you need to leave the stage.

Michael: Okay, I will.

Adam: Good.

Luke: Good Afternoon everybody and welcome to our soundcheck.

The 5SOS FAM scream and get excited.

Ashton: We'll be playing some of our songs basically and adjusting the sound and our mics.

Calum: So, basically we will be checking to make sure things run smoothly.

Michael: We'll also be answering any questions you have and interacting with you all and talking to you because we don't always get that experience to speak to you face to face.

Ashton: Are you guys ready to hear some music?

5SOS FAM: Yes!

Luke: Okay.

Michael: Before we start playing, I just want to say that I am not feeling good today, I have this stomach bug for the second time; so don't be surprised if I go off sometimes and also that my mum is here today.

* Karen turns around and waves at everyone *

Calum: First we are going to start sound check off with our song Don't Stop.

The 5SOS FAM go completely wild as they begin to play the chords for Don't Stop.

Luke: Your like perfection, some kind of holiday, you got me thinking that we can run away, you want I'll take you there, you tell when and were, Oh oh oh oh.

Michael: But then I asked for your number, said you don't have a phone, it's getting late now, just want to let you know that everybody wants to take you home tonight but I'm gonna find a way to make you mine.

5SOS: Don't stop, doin what you doin,every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it, know it, know it and don't stop cause you know that I like it, every time you walk in the you got all eyes on you and you know it , know it, know it.

Calum: You're coming close now, swear I can taste it, you got me tongue tied, I can't escape it, I'm loving what you got, but then you push me off, oh, oh, oh ,oh.

Ashton: And everybody wants to take you home tonight but i' m gonna find a way to make you mine.

5SOS: Don't stop doin, what you're doin ' every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it, know it, know it, and don't stop cause you know that I like it, every time you walk in the room, you got all eyes on you and you know it, know it, know it.

Michael: Everyday it's the same, All the games that you play (Ooh- ooh ) back and forth, round and round, kinda like it this way.

Luke: Don't stop doin what you're doin, cause every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it, know it, know it.

5SOS: Don't stop, cause you know that I like it, every time you walk in the room, you got all eyes on you and you know it, know it, know it, know it.

Ashton: Don't stop, stop what you're doing, cause you know that, you know that I like it. Every time you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it, know it, know it.

Michael: And don't stop, cause you know that I like it.

Calum: You know that I like it.

5SOS: Every time you walk in the room, you got all eyes on you and you know it, know it, know it.

The boys finish the song and the 5SOS FAM go crazy.

Ashton: How was that?

Felix: That was good but I think that we should turn Michael's microphone up a bit.

Luke: Is his mic, low or something.

Felix: It is just a bit.

Luke: Okay.

While Luke was talking to their sound engineer Felix, Michael starts to feel nauseous again.

Karen: Michael, are you okay?

Michael: Mum, I just feel a bit nauseous again.

Karen: Sweetheart, try and drink some water.

Michael: Okay. * he says opening his water and taking a few sips *

5SOS sick during the WWA tour IIWhere stories live. Discover now