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An endless sea of pain and suffering

Masked people pointing at a figure

And laughing, and laughing, and laughing

But they don't know,

Their fingers reflect to themselves.


???: My friend, how do you think the results would turn out this time?
???: Such an idle game. We've done this many times, red riding hood will get eaten.
???: Hmm, there's three possibilities, though.
???: The little girl killing off the wolf or coexist together. We've never get those two results.
???: Something different might just happen. Let's be patient, my friend.


Running, just running, losing all her senses of feeling. Numbness took over her, she couldn't even feel the throbbing pain in her head nor the gush spilling crimson blood on her stomach. Feeling light-headed, she's barely holding in. As if feeling relieved, she fainted after seeing something in front of her, a building. Or was it a cemetery? She wasn't sure.


Waking up, she could feel the warmth around her and the soft sensation. It feels clean. But the headache kicked in.

'It was way worse before. What happened?' Just then, the door creeks open, and a figure she sees....

'Who's there?!' Warily, she tries to shrink into the soft sheets.

"No need to be alarmed," the figure said, closing the door. It looks like a man, and it alarms in her mind, Threat, Threat, constantly repeating.

"I made you porridge. You shouldn't eat hard food yet," The kind gesture made her doubt that if she's still lightheaded and mistaken. Slowly, she tries to get up as she looks at him clearly. No one in her acquaintance looks like this person.

"You mustn't move around," he said and put down the tray. Properly helping her up. She said nothing but looking at him, observing him. Every gesture and body language..... But he doesn't seems hostile. Which made her relax a bit.


'Who is he? And why is he..... acting that way?' Thinking, unknowing of the male's intentions. Unable to hold down her thought, she asked, "Who are you?"

".... You needn't know about it yet. Eat well and rest, your mind probably isn't working properly, either." Just when she was about to question him, her stomach grumbled. "You've been in a coma for three days, and your body needs food."

Shocked, she suddenly felt the hunger become very visible. While thinking, 'Three days?! That makes sense.... ugh I feel so weak.'

Out of habit and anxiousness, ".....You didn't poison it, right?"

"Why would I? Don't be foolish, I wouldn't poison it just to let it go waste."

He has a harsh mouth but supposedly not harmful..... Taking the spoon, she stares at the porridge before getting a spoonful of it.


'It's a simple porridge, how can it be this delicious?' She thought, going for another spoon. The flavor is not strong, but it's very subtle and fills her up. But despite that, the alarms in her mind are still there, which makes her doubt that she still hadn't properly healed.

"I went out of my way to make food for someone other than my brothers, you better not waste it"

Nodding, she grabs a hold of the bowl and eats quicker. Whilst making various sounds.

"Good grief, your manners are deplorable. But I suppose I can forgive you since you're a patient"

Soon, he left with the empty bowl, she had fallen asleep.

Silence fills in the living room. Until Ayato has to break the silence and make a clear statement. "Oi, what's that reek in the house? It smells rotten." He exclaims, which everyone seems to agree.

Kanato joined in the complaint, hugging his significant teddy, "I'm curious about that as well. It's been three days and you still won't give us any answers."

With a cheesy voice, Laito leans back into his sofa and lets out a whine, "Riiight~? I can't stand to stay at home because of it. Look at my eyebags after sleeping out for days sighhhh"

"I don't know who it is, but she was out cold outside of our house days ago. Since we haven't received any brides from the church recently, I was thinking we could use her as a blood source", Reiji explained. Which, everyone replied with a disgusted expression.

"I'll pass. It probably tastes disgusting", lying on the couch, as much as it pisses Reiji off, he should keep the conversation going. Which the plan Kanato ruined, screaming.

"THAT'S RIGHT I WOULDN'T DRINK THAT BLOOD!!! IT SMELLS AWFUL!! Reiji- Reiji doesn't love us anymore Teddy.... He's trying to feed us rotten food.... Hic."

"I'm with Kanato this time~ Only you would drink that junk", Laito said, getting up. He can't possibly drink such blood even if he were to sleep with that person.

"Ore-sama deserves better! How dare you try to serve him this rotten blood!", Ayato stood up and shouted.

Reiji pushes up his glasses, annoyed, "For the last time, I'm not you lots' servant. I'm merely suggesting that we could use her blood. If you don't want to, I don't see a problem with it."

A loud CRASH can be heard. Everyone turned their neck in the direction, and precisely, it was Subaru.

"Tch, CAN YOU ALL SHUT UP?! After I finally get some sleep with that stench. You too, Kanato! Stop sobbing!"

The outburst of Subaru made Kanato whips his head towards Subaru, screaming, "SHUT UP!!! CAN'T YOU SEE HOW REIJI'S BEING MEAN?!?!"

The argument goes on. And Reiji just sighed, pinching his nose bridge in frustration.

"I guess, I'm the only one using her blood. Despite the taste, I can get nourishment," and a guinea pig, he thought.

Fate was sealed.
The moments she passed through the door,
She was his.

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