\\Tae young

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Y/N is sitting on the grass with the little dove beside her.

She found a dove a day ago it randomly landed in front of her while she was wondering around the forest and Y/N finds it cute so she kept it.

"Hmm... what should I name you?" Y/N asked as the dove shrugged. Y/N's eyes widened "Wait you can understand me?!" Y/N said.

The dove stood up and spin around cutely melting Y/N's heart. "You're so cute!!" Y/N said.

"You hungry?" Y/N asked as the dove spin around again. "Awe!" Y/N said as she took out some berries and feed it to the dove.

"Hart! Where are you?!" Someone yelled as the dove jumped. "Hart? Oh- AAAHH" Someone screamed as Y/N stood up and ran where the screaming coming from.

Y/N found a boy not just any boy it was Tae young from 4town. Y/N's eyes widened.

Tae young stood up groaning and dusted himself. So it turns out he fell from a short cliff but luckily he wasn't injured since he landed on his butt.

The dove landed on Tae's shoulder as Tae's eyes widened "Hart!!" He said as Hart look at Y/N.

Tae confusingly look what Hart is looking at. His eyes widened and fixed his messy hair "Oh!- uh- hey!!" He nervously said.

"So his name is Hart?" Y/N said as Tae nervously nodded as his cheeks turned pink.

Hart then flew and landed on Y/N's head and sit there "You know her Hart?" Tae asked as Hart nodded.

"Oh okay and I'm Tae young and you are...?" He asked "I-I'm Y/N." Y/N introduced herself.

"Y/N... did you found Hart?" He asked as Y/N nodded. "Oh uhm... okay... thanks for taking care of him!" He said as Y/N smiled.

"You're welcome!" Y/N said as Hart flew to Tae young's head. "Well then..! Bye Hart! I have to go it's nice meeting you." Y/N said.

She was about to walk away but Tae stoped her "Uh- hey! Wait!" He said as Y/N stopped and looked back "C-can I- get your number..?" He said looking away.

"Oh uhm okay.." Y/N said as she took out a piece of paper and a pen that she always carry around her so that she can draw if she's bored.

Y/N wrote down her number and give it to him. He shyly took it and his cheeks has a visible red blush.

"Aah- thank you!" He said as Y/N smiled and walked away leaving him and Hart.

He went home really happy with Hart on his head "Looks like you found him." Robaire said.

Tae just kept smiling and walked away. "Uhm... is he okay? He looks too happy." T said.

"He found his dove of course he's really happy he can't even sleep last night because he's worried about the dove." Jesse said.

"He lost many doves and found them again but he looks really happy when he found this one." T said.

"Maybe that dove is a special one..?" Robaire said "Special one? What's special about Hart?" T asked.

"Let him be.. he found his dove that's what we should be talking about." Jesse said.


Since I haven't updated for so long I forced myself to finish this one lol.

Hope you'll like this one💋

Lab u❤️

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