Today,i will be explaining many of system that should be added:
1. Share Cash
Did you ever wanting to win something but always fail,like beat badlands with your friend? And if you fail because of your friend doesnt have money to buy an tower like in the strat,welp im sure this is gonna be usefull.
So when your friend defending but he dont have money and you are farming,well why not to give them some money? So with that you can win the game.
2. Map editor
Have you ever be bored with only the curent maps? Well,why not trying to make an map?
This system is can be use for an contest,so with that,you have an chance to your map be published!
Also you can try to play your map and your reward is 0 coins and 0 xp and also 0 gems. Lul.
3. Map conditions.
So this is when your fighting an boss or else,the map slightly changed like the crossroad map,and you fight the void reaver,the map will be changed.
4. "Try again" button.
Well,feel bored when trying to get the exact same map after you playing the last match? Well why not to trying to press the "Try again" button.
So you will be playing with the exact same maps but need to choose another gamemode again and started everything from the beginning.
5. Economy system.
Economy system is for cowboy,so when the cowboy is attacking for the 5th time,it will be give you an random money. Well with this system it no longer give an random money.
So this system basicly will tell what zombie is worth more money for example.
Wave 22:
Giant boss= 89$/Per 5 shotWave 23:
Giant boss= 76$/Per 5 shotSo its like that.
And its ended lul.
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Idea that should be added to Tds
Fanfictionhere some idea that should be into tds. dont ask mt why i dont do this on youtube