Battleship (Ground troops) Tower

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Welll, i only have that idea and somehow i put it as ground troops but in the game it already got an water so like it was an ship and the ground become into water....

Okay so this time i got 2 idea of them:

Which will gonna be on this chapter......
So lets get right into...

Idk what about the design since im not an fan or battleship,but lets say an Gneisenau ship from world war 2.... Since i dont want this is too short so basicly Gneisenau was the mëin fuhrer ship,yes Adolf H*tl*r.... Thats it.

Looking from history,i rather said arpund 6,000.


Level 0:
Submachine Damage (SMD): 2
Sub Firerate (SF): 0.2
Explode Damage (ED): 10
Explode Firerate (Ef): 3.5
Range: 17 (.5)

Level 1: Anti Aircraft
S.M.D: 3 (.5)
S.F: 0.15
E.D: 10
E.F: 3.5
Range: 18
+Flying detection

Level 2: Anti Submarine
Cost: 1,250
S.M.D: 3
S.F: 0.15
E.D: 15
E.F: 3.5
Range: 19
+Hidden detection

Level 3: Destroyer
Cost: 5,000
S.M.D: 5
S.F: 0.12
E.D: 42
E.F: 3
Range: 20

Level 4: Misille
Cost: 12,500
S.M.D: 7
S.F: 0.075
E.D: 95
E.F: 4
Range: 20

Level 5: Unwanted Things
Cost: 20,000
S.M.D: 10
S.F: 0.7
E.D: 215
E.f: 2.9
Range: 21

Welp thats it,but since we got an time we gotta tell you a liitle short bit of history...

Basically, Gneisenau and Scharnhorst (Hes Brother) Was such the best duo Battleship. Everywhere on mission  they both will there... Unfortunately enough, On one mission Gneisenau was broken and need to be fixed,it took kinda long time to fix and after it done..... The ally (British,America,Canada,Soviet) bombed the harbor and destroyed Gneisenau...

Thats it for today.. See ya

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