There are many of enemy that should be added,and some of them is used for event and other is for the survival,some of them is also has no descripcition about for what that enemy was.
Here the enemy idea.
1. Lead King
We already have Slow King,And Speedy King,but what about lead king?
He was an normal lead but even bigger,he have an crown on his head,having an lead armor and has an black cape.
Health: 6600 + 400 Shield
Immunity: Lead
Speed: Slow
Wave Apperance: 42,Hardcore
Lead Shield= Give 4 Random enemy an lead Immunity for 5 second,and he give it for every 20 second.
Dialog: "Woah Look like the lead is own the crown" "Quick get the flametrhower Now!!"2. Hidden King
Well,We already got the lead king,and now its about time the hidden king!
Hes hidden And like the other hidden,his black (Not racism),He has an black crown,an black cape,his body has an transparant armor.
Health: 1200 + 350 Shield
Immunity: Hidden
Speed: Fast,Below Average ( When Shield Destroyed)
Wave Appearence (I cant write it,help): 43 Hardcore
Haunted= Will give an tower an hidden face and make tower is randomly attack random enemy. He do this every 40 second,and only target 1-2 tower.
Dialog:"this hidden thing is scare me...." "Quick get the hidden detection" "he can also stun your tower,becarefull"3. Keeper
Enough with the hardcore,it is time for normal mode.
He have an dark grey jacket,his arm has tied with chain and his arm right in his stomach. He has an dark grey hoodie,he doesnt have legs so he fly (but not an flying enemy). He have an black cape,all of his torso is black and its transparent.
Health: 3000 + 650 Shield
Immunity: Energy,Freeze,Fire.
Speed: Below Average.
Wave appearence: 29
Grave Call:
He will make an Tombstone (Not as enemy),and that tombston will keep summoning enemy untill he finally tired.
Dialog: "Look like there are an the grave digger guardian,You better be get your best defense..."4. Shielder
Since shield system is gone,so we replace it with an enemy!
Hes Basicly Abnormal Boss But bigger and having an black metal armor.he have an black-green cape,and have his big shield.
Health: 5000 + 1000 Shield (Wow)
Immunity: None
Speed: Below Average
Wave Apperence: 35 Fallen, 41 Hardcore
Shield Rush:
He will run to an random tower and stun it.
He will do it in every 15-25 Second. Hopefully your rng is good.
Fallen: "Woah this guy Is big" " Watch out for his shield!"
Hardcore: "The Shielder Is coming back"And pretty much it,its ended.
Idea that should be added to Tds
Fanfictionhere some idea that should be into tds. dont ask mt why i dont do this on youtube