Unexpected phone call

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Charlie pov:
It was around 7:00PM and everyone was gathered in the lounge room because Nick's grandma insisted that we all watched a movie. They already ate dinner, Nick tried to get me to eat as well but I just couldn't, I felt bad because of it, why couldn't I just eat? I walked into the lounge room and saw that there was a spot next to Nick and also his mum. I would've sat next to Nick but he's just been seeming like he didn't want to talk to me or something, so I sat next to his mum instead. Nick gave me a weird look but I just ignored it and focused on Frank and Louise who were fighting over what movie to put on.

"I told you that you should have just got Netflix." Nick's mum said before getting up and walking over to the small cabinet that was had a lot of old DVD discs. I saw Nick and his mother exchange a look but I had no clue what it meant. Next thing you know, Nick got up from where he was sitting and sat next to me. My body tensed up, I'm not quite sure why but it just felt different between us. Maybe I just felt guilty for feeling like that towards him because he doesn't like me back. He began to open his mouth to say something but his grandma cut him off.

"So, do you guys have any idea what movie you want to watch?" She asked. Nick shook his head politely and she looked over at me and I shook my head as well. We sat in silence for a little longer and Nick turned to face me the best that he could seeming that we were on a couch. I swallowed, what if I did something wrong or what if he told his mum what I had told him.

"Uh... so..." He said before coughing. I must have messed up if he was acting like this. "Are you ready to go home tomorrow? Y'know like are your parents mad at you or something." He finally said but it seemed like he wanted to say something else. My parents. They still haven't even noticed that I wasn't at home.

"It should be fine. I told them that I was staying at a friends house, so they shouldn't think anything of it." I lied to him. I hadn't told them anything, they just don't care. The last time they actually cared was like three years ago.

"Oh, okay. Good." He said. It felt really awkward for some reason but I just looked back at the others, who still hadn't chosen a movie yet. "If you need to, you can always just stay at my place. I'm sure my mum won't mind, she really likes you already." Nick told me and I smiled at him. I had no idea why he was being so polite but I guess that's just who Nick was.

"Do you kids want to watch Grown Ups?" Frank asked and I tensed up again. The last time I watched Grown Ups was when I was with Elle, Isaac and... Tao. None of them had texted me since Isaac and I had definitely screwed up. Nick suggested to just talk to them but I'm pretty sure they want nothing to do with me, seeming what happened yesterday. Nick must have already nodded because they were putting the movie on, I didn't mind watching it again, it was actually a good movie. I just knew that I would only think of the others the whole time. Everyone sat down and we watched the movie, Nick and I sat awkwardly next to each for the whole movie but I was too trapped in my thoughts to care. It ended and everyone decided to go to sleep because it was 9:13PM, I knew that I would have to be alone with Nick again and it was going to be weird between us. We walked into the room silently after saying goodnight to everyone. I laid in bed and that's when it actually hit me. I was going home. And that meant that I would have to see Ben at school on Monday. Why was this so difficult? Nick laid down as well and we were both facing the ceiling.

"Um... goodnight." I said and I heard him hum in response. Okay, I actually must have done something to make him mad at me. He hasn't been talking to me all day and when he does it's awkward and short. Plus he's always tense around me now, it's probably because I told him too much. I shouldn't have told him anything, I've never told anyone and this was the reason why. I rolled over to face the wall as my phone buzzed, I flinched at the thought that it was Ben. I could just not check it, right? Or would that just make him more mad? Probably. I reached my hand out and grabbed my phone, I'm glad the light was turned off because I was very clearly shaking. I turned my phone on and blinked at the bright light, trying to adjust my eyes. Once my eyes cleared up I looked at the contact name and of course it had to be Ben.

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