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A RESTLESS NIGHT OFTEN GUARANTEES A FATIGUED MORNING, however, Rosie awoke to feel surprisingly refreshed. The brunette had opened her eyes to find a still sleeping Max facing her, and suddenly the sleepless night had escaped her. Red hair was sprawled out over the pillow she rested her head on, mouth parted slightly as she snored with the ferocity of a bear. Rosie had fought the urge to laugh rather valiantly, deciding not to bring up Max's loud sleeping habits when she would eventually wake up.
Once the three girls had all finally woken up (Rosie assisting by aggressively poking both El and Max until they shot up in surprise), they had briefly discussed the happenings of the night before. What El had seen was the elephant in the room, an elephant the trio tried ignoring despite its size.
"We should go see him," El had insisted, to which Max seemed hesitant, "Please."
Max turned towards Rosie, silently asking if she agreed, while simultaneously pleading that she didn't.
"I don't see the harm," Rosie concluded slowly, and Max's posture slackened, "We'll go in and out right El?"
El nodded, and that's how they found themselves walking to Max's house on Cherry Road, thunder rumbling above their heads as rain threatened to spill from the darkening clouds. Rosie found it strange how the weather could immediately switch from scalding hot to cool skies and showers, however, Max and El didn't seem too bothered.
"It's gonna start pouring soon," Max stated, voicing Rosie's thoughts almost exactly, "We should be at the mall or, like, watching a movie or something."
"You don't believe me?" El asked, eyes softening with hurt.
Max glanced in Rosie's direction, before continuing, "I believe you saw some super weird stuff, totally, but you said Mike has sensed you in there before, right? So maybe it was just like that. Maybe Billy just... sensed you somehow."
"But the screams?"
"Yeah, I know, but here's the thing," Max began, and Rosie cringed to herself in preparation for what Max was about to explain, "When Billy is alone with a girl, they make, like, really crazy noises."
"They scream?"
"Yeah, but, like... happy screams."
"Happy screams?" El repeated, brow furrowing in confusion, "What is 'happy screams'?"
"It's like..." Max paused, as if she were buffering, "I'm just gonna lend you my mom's Cosmo."
"Let's not do that," Rosie shook her head, attempting to rid the thoughts of El being exposed to freaking Cosmo before the three of them landed in front of Max's house.