The Playground

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“Don’t worry… everything is going to be okay.”

A boy with black hair cried on the floor, even after hearing these words come from the blonde-haired boy's lips. He pushed back his hair as more tears streaked down his face.

“No matter what happens… promise me that we’ll always be there for each other…” The blonde haired boy fiddled with the single flower in his hair and wiped off some of the other boy's tears as the latter simply nodded. The two of them had been sitting in front of the door to his room for a half an hour now. “Promise me…” The blonde haired child uttered one last time.


Omori woke up in a white void. He had been living in this place, which he had come to know as White Space, for as long as his memory served, though it didn’t serve him particularly well.

To his left was his computer, which was eternally on. When he wasn’t using it, though, it was just a blank screen with static on it. On his right was a box full of tissues for wiping his tears away, and above him he stared at a black light bulb, which he could spend hours upon hours staring into. However, he wasn’t sure where the lightbulb was attached to the ceiling. The cord it was on seemed to extend into the sky until it simply dissolved.

The rest of the room was peculiar as well. A sketchbook full of sketches Omori liked to do in his free time and a single door that stood against no wall which served no purposes. His faithful black cat, Mewo, slept in the corner dutifully.

Mewo meowed at Omori, and Omori could understand that what she said roughly translated to “Waiting for something to happen?” in cat. Typical. Omori was waiting for something… but he couldn’t quite remember what it was. There was something he liked doing, right?

He walked over to his sketchbook and flipped through its pages. A decapitated head in a pool of its own blood; his own head in a mandala of the ethereal red hands that plagued White Space, Mewos and tentacles; and a repeating pattern of toy jacks. In between these jacks were various symbols that reminded Omori of all his friends. More drawings followed. A sea of blank Mewos bathed in the blood of one black Mewo above them. Omori in a bath of a dark, viscous liquid. Omori and his friends Kel, recognizable by his shoulder length hair and grin, and Aubrey, with her bright red bow and very long hair, in the bowels of a sea serpent. A cake with eyeballs falling out of it and a fork jammed into its side. A playground filled with slabs of meat and bloody weapons. Mewo in a tuxedo waking Omori from a bed. A single red hand and several lightbulbs.

And finally, an uncooked steak.

The last page was just blank after that, and Omori simply closed it. There were no answers there as to what he thought he might do next. He would try to go to his neighbor’s house through the door that stood alone in the void of White Space, but he didn’t feel safe leaving without his trusty knife.

He stared back into the lightbulb. It was a soft light that didn’t seem to illuminate anything, but it was perpetually on. Within its glass there was only darkness, and because of this, there was nothing Omori could see inside.

Then he remembered he had not checked his laptop for the day. So, with a stroke of a few keys, he placed it onto his lap and booted up the computer. He stared for a couple seconds at his desktop, decorated by a brick wall as its wallpaper, and then opened his journal. Though none of the entries seemed to be sure of the date, each one read one of two things: “Today, I spent time in White Space. Everything was okay.” or “Today, I hung out with my friends. Everything was okay.” That’s right, he was going to go hang out with his friends again today.

As he closed his laptop, he took a minute to take in the heat. It felt… nice on his lap. As he got up, the entire White Space rumbled with a huge jolt, and he heard the sound of metal hitting the floor. He looked around, and saw his knife just outside his small square of safety in the White Space. However, the knife wasn’t alone. It was surrounded by Red Hands, the ghostly creatures that haunted the White Space.

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