Otherworld Lake

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The only clear way out of the Otherworld Campsite was to the east of it, which led into a fairly open area full of craters. Most of them had asteroids that had landed in them, but there was one that was noticeably empty. There was a range of mountains to the south with a canyon that ran through it.

“Hmm… I wonder what’s in there?” Kel asked, and then ran into the canyon.

“Ugh!” Aubrey said. “I guess we have to go get him, don’t we?”

Hero gave a weak smile and the three of them went through the short canyon and into an area filled with more of those beautiful purple trees they had seen from the campsite. In the middle of it was a giant CRT television screen with numerous error color coded bars on it. On the back of this was a huge hole.

“Woah!” Kel said. “There’s a huge TV back here, guys!”

“Let’s check it out. Basil never liked TV, but you never know…” Hero shrugged, and the four of them went inside.

Inside the TV was a huge set of TV monitors that showed all sorts of places across Head Space. Vast Forest, Otherworld and even places that Omori had never seen before. One person was overseeing it all - a girl with black pigtails in a schoolgirl uniform who wore a TV headset on her head. Or was it her head? Omori couldn’t tell.

“Hey! Why’re you watching so many people?” Kel screamed.

The girl jumped in her chair and swiveled around, after which she spit out all her coffee. “Jeez! Give me a warning at least, will ya?” She barked. “I don’t get visitors very often, y’know?”

“Sorry…” Kel said. “I didn’t mean to-”

“That’s alright!” Her screen lit up. “Look, while you’re here, could ya be a real pal and help me get the stuff on this list?” She scrolled past it all on her screen. “That would make it up to me!”

“We don’t really have time to-” Hero began, before he was interrupted again.

“That’ll be all of it! Ya should be able to find it in the junkyard!” She finished.

“Um… we couldn’t really see your list.” Aubrey rubbed her arm.

“Huh? What do ya mean?” The girl asked.

“I mean it was too fast. You scrolled by it in a second!” Hero said. “But really, we don’t have time for-”

“Ugh, fine. Here’s a list ya can look at for as long as ya want to.” She scribbled some words on a piece of paper and handed it to Kel.

Omori caught a glance of the paper. It read:




“Got it down this time?” She asked. “I’ll expect to be seeing ya again soon.” She swiveled back around in her chair.

“Uh… well, if we end up in the junkyard, I don’t see the harm in helping her out…” Hero shrugged.

“Bye TV lady!” Aubrey said. “We’ll definitely be back soon!”

“I wouldn’t say definitely… but okay,” Hero said.

Aubrey stepped out a bit, but then she poked her head back inside. “Wait! I forgot something! Have you seen anyone with a flower crown, Ms. TV?” Aubrey asked.

“I haven’t left this room for days, kid,” the TV lady responded.

Aubrey pointed at the wall of screens behind the TV lady. “Yeah, but you have all those monitors that document all over Head Space. Surely you’ve seen him on one of them, right?”

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