When was the last time he said it?

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~Snowy biome, 01:13 pm~
Tommy was wandering around and taking in his surroundings as Technoblade and Philza was talking about something that Tommy couldn't make out.
"Has he said anything?" Philza whispered to Technoblade as he looked at Tommy.
"Anything about remembering anyone?" He asked quietly.
"Well he said something about smiley which clearly means Dream" Technoblade whispered back to Philza as they both were now standing quietly looking at Tommy from a distance.
"So nothing about us or Tubbo..?" Philza said quietly more to himself, Technoblade shook his head sadly.
"No but..." Technoblade said but stopped himself.
"But what?" Philza asked turning his head towards Technoblade tilting it.
"He mentioned a black place" Technoblade said turning his head towards Philza.
"A black place..." Philza said in an questioning tone and then a loud bomb could be heard.
"Tommy?" Philza yelled a bit and looked around.
"TOMMY!!??" He shouted worriedly as both of them started to run to where the sound came from.
When they got there there was a creeper hole and in it sat Tommy laughing.
"Oh my prime..." Philza said relived and walked down to him.
"Hello!" Tommy said happily as a big smile grew across his face.
"Who are you?" Tommy asked tilting his head to the side keeping the smile.
There were silence for a while before Philza spoke up.
"My names Philza but you could call me Phil or dadza" Phil said with a small smile.
"Dadza..." Tommy whispered to himself and then smiled.
"Dadza!" Tommy said and smiled. Tears where forming in the corners of Phils eyes but he quickly wiped them away and smiled.
"Yeah!" He said and Technoblade couldn't help but feel bad.
I mean Tommy hadn't called Phil Dadza ever since...
Ever since he didn't...
When had he stopped saying it...
When was the last time he said it..?
When was the last time he had called Phil dad..?

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