1. Sleepy bros

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"TOM?" "Tommy! Wake up! Breakfast is ready and your late for school!"

When Tommy heard that, he jumped out of his bed and just ran with full lighting speed into toilet, brush his teeth, got dress-up fast too and ran downstairs.

"Ah, yes, this always works!" Phil smiled and turned to the clock who was just hanging on the wall...

"Uh, why I always believe in this shit?" Tommy mumbled to him self.

"What did you say? Didn't heard?" his father put a hand to his ear, "nothing, nothing..." Tom saw a plate with food on the counter, it was just simple, toast and bacon, grabbed it and went to table.

He grabbed his phone from the pocket and starded looking through his Twitter.

After sometime Wilbur and Techno came downstairs talking about something, but Tommy was to focused on his Twitter...

"Tom, You want to walk to school or you want me to drive you?" "Tom?" Phil put a hand on the boy's shoulder and he almost flinched.

"Don't scare me!" Tommy put his last peace into his mouth and stood up, grabbed his shoes, like ok, put on his shoes and, "goodbye." And the doors shut down.

"Eghem? Explain this to me?" Phil turned to his two other sons.

Will put his hands in the air and walked off and Techno... "Don't really care about that and where is my food, dad."

Phil sighted, "here, your salads, Techno and today, please for love of God, don't beat up someone in school, I'm pleasing you, don't want to have more this, yk..."

"And you Will, have a good day and tell Thomas to be back at 6 pm, we have some important business to talk to" Phil said and went outside of house to his car.

"Well, I'm not hungry tech, Bye!" Wilbur waved with his hand and shut the doors too.

"Yeah, everyone, leave me alone, I didn't asked you and I didn't fucking beat that kid up, he was just annoying like Tommy, but moreeeee"

Techno put his shoes on and went to school too.


Tommy was finally in his fucking school, atleast, no need to hear those his fathers exposes for all family, like please.

Tommy entered his big school and first thing that his eyes see was his friend-
"Tubbo! Ayy! Big man! How are you? How's your grandmother?" Tommy ran to Tubbo and hugged him, "well, apparently, now she's a little bit gooder, I guess?"
"That's good to hear" Turbo smiled warmly.

"What's your first class?" Tom looked at Tubbo.

"Math..." He sighed.

"Man, just no. Well I got geography, so see you at lunch ig?"
"Yes, see you!" The both waved off, the bell rang and everyone ran to they're classes.

Skipping to lunch, (lazy ass😍😘😱)

"Hi!" Tubbo shout and all the cafeteria just 'bro, don't do that', anyways...

"Hey..." Tommy looked at the floor, "what's wrong?" Tubbo asked worried,

"well I had math too and other day we had like a test? You know, and I got only 67% from it, like my dad would be disappointed in me... The only good grade is from 90% to 100% and I have to tell him, because, well he need to sign this, dunno why?"

"Your big man and big mans stay strong, so just go and say it!"

Tubbo tried to motivate him, but still, it kinda failed.

Now it was the last lesson


"Ok, until Monday, you have to write this assay of this book we just read, I will be waiting! And by the way, have a good Friday! Don't stay in your bedroom all day, go outside to walk or meet your friends!" Teacher smiled happily.

'well atleast she got me some motivation, like all the time she gives something like this...' Tommy thought.

The bell rang and everyone ran outside.

And Tommy just walked to his locker to put some of his books, when...

He got pushed in his locker.

"W-what? W-whats happening?"
Half of the school knew Tommy was claustrophobic and like small spaces was just death to him, but eventually he like other have got some bullies from school.

"Look at him!" One voice shouted.

"Haha, little baby is scared!" Another one.

"Let's just keep him like this, until he will use his brain, how to get out, c'mon guys!" The third voice said and they all walked off laughing.

Tommy was panicking so hard.
His felt tears in his eyes...

Panick is rising.
Tommy do something!
Get out!
Get out.
Call someone?
Tears running down your face.

These voices won't shut up.

Then he heard how someone walked past his locker and saw?


'finally last and It's Friday, now I just have to find Tommy, because dad wants to go shopping and he might be at his locker?' Will through.

He walked through the walls and corridors and heard someone crying and like sound of deep panicking...

"Tommy? What- what's going on?" Wilbur walked closer.

"W- Wilbur, please, I-I Wa-nt to- to get o-ut plea-se, g-et me out!" Tommy was sobbing and crying, and panicking and shouting to his brother.

"Ok, wait-" he grabbed his backpack and searched for Extra key, for Tommy's locker for situations like this.

"Found it!" Wilbur finally unlocked Tom's locked and Tommy jumped to Wilbur to hug him and cried in his shoulder more.

After sometime his sobs slowed. Wilbur wipped his red, puffy eyes with his hoodie, he never let to touch the hoodie, because it was his favourite and important, but this time was the most important.

"Thanks, B-brother" Wilbur smiled and kissed his brother's forehead<3


"Where are those kids? Bruh."
"Making out Ig?"
"Tf- TECHNO?" Phil turned to Techno with angry look.
"Look, maby- it's true?"

.... <3


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