Why do you care? (Series)[1]

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Whoo! An actual series starting?? Okay, so when I start a series, it can have a random amount of parts in it. I shall still do one shots. Also, I have a question; do you guys ship any other mobs in Monster School? Like other than Wither x Skeleton, cuz maybe I'll write that sometimes as well?



"Are you sure about this?"

Skeleton asked uncertainly, leading Wither towards multiple lit up caves in the distance.

"You know how my family feels about Wither Skeletons... you know, since they've got attacked multiple times by them..."

Wither summoned something, passing it over to Skeleton with a smile. It was a Notch Apple, the shining of the golden skin glinted in the sun.

"Uh, are you concerned about my safety or your family's safety? Because I promise I'd never hurt your family, and I have my hacking abilities if anything goes wrong."

Skeleton only clutched onto Wither's hand tighter as they neared the caves.
His family didn't much like Wither Skeletons, much less for their usual violent tendencies.
Suddenly Skeleton kind of seized up, his body refusing to move.

"W-what if this is a bad idea?? What i-if they attack me for befriending a Wither Skeleton??"

Wither threw his arms around Skeleton in an attempt to comfort him, understanding his concerns even being the one he was worried about.

"You'll be fine..- hey, I've just remembered something! Do you want me to go invisible, save you the trouble? I'll be with you, you just won't be able to see me."

Skeleton vigorously nodded, retuning the hug that Wither offered.
They stood like that for a while, before Wither disappeared right in front of Skeleton. He knew that Wither had just gone invisible, and was right there.

Carrying on to the caves, which were scarily close now, he began seeing some familiar faces, still feeling the presence of Wither beside him.
He smiled at that, knowing if he ever felt uneasy about something/was in danger, Wither would be there immediately.


(Same reason as lychijelli , it would be weird if all mobs were called the same)

Skeleton spun around at the mention of the familiar name, coming face to face with his mother.

"Bloody hell... Arrow...I haven't heard that name for ages... anyways, hello mother! Long time no see."

Without anymore introductions, his mother, despite her age, tackled him in a hug.
'Your name's Arrow?'
Skeleton mentally facepalmed at Wither's message, almost laughing at his stupidity.
'Yeah. You think we were all called Skeleton?'
He answered back, a grin creeping up his face.
'No. You just never told me your actual name.'
Skeleton could almost hear the mock anger in his tone and it took him a lot of willpower not to burst out laughing.

"We have to go tell the others of your arrival!"

She said, running off to go and inform the other skeletons there. This was when Wither became visible again.

"What's your mother's name?"

"Sheril. Why do you wanna know?"

"Just curious."

That was the last thing said before Wither went invisible again as Sheril reappeared.

"Arrow! The others want to see you, come on!"

Sheril said, laughing as she dragged Skeleton towards the caves while he frantically explained that he could walk and that she didn't need to pull him along.
'Lmao this is an absolutely amazing sight. One moment, I'm taking a picture!'
Wither telepathically said, Skeleton could practically see the grin on his face.
'Don't you dare, Wither, it's not funny!'
'Too late.'

"GUYS! Arrow's here!"

She proudly announced, and Skeleton found himself faced with three other Skeletons.
His face clearly showed shock as he realised who they were.

"Friar! Gally! And... Yin."


Yin shouted jokingly, lunging at Skeleton in a mock argument.
Despite this, it was well know that Yin was Skeleton's favourite sibling, although he loved the others a lot as well.

(Time Skip)

"Mhm... this food is really good! Where did you learn to cook like this?"

Skeleton asked, eating the food that was set in front of him. Gally just smiled, pulling out a cook book that she had written.
Without any warning, Skeleton felt something squeeze his hand.
'Skel... something's wrong. I-... I'm not sure what it is though. Be prepared.'
Now this put Skeleton off of his food. If Wither, of all mobs, thought something was wrong, it obviously was wrong.
That's when Skeleton realised it. It was so obvious to him now. The bushes, someone was behind it.
Skeleton pulled out his bow, already enchanted, and loaded it ready.
His family members watched in a mix between shock, confusion, and awe. They didn't own enchanted things, only regular ones.

"Hey Arrow, what's with the bow?"

"Just a precaution."

He said, shrugging. As soon as he said that, multiple Wither Skeletons barged their way in, one of them throwing a 'wither infected' sword at Skeleton.


He yelled in panic, covering his face with the enchanted wooden part of the bow.
But the hit never came.
Instead, a very angry Wither stood in front of him, the sword broken into pieces on the floor.

"Who do you think you are to attack MY Skel??"


Hello everyone, this is chapter [1] of my first series 'Why Do You Care?'

Remember to eat and drink, and stay safe!


Wither x Skeleton (one-shots kind of) [Discontinued for now]Where stories live. Discover now