Chapter 19 - Warrior

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The plan was set. Connor and Genesis would leave for eyesight, as demanded by Benny, snaking around the clearing until they reached the ruins. Levi would join them once they reached the north section, which he was now patrolling instead of Henry. By midday, they would be at the ruins and they could access the tunnels through the metal disc, that Genesis had explained was a manhole cover for the exit. From there they would use all their force to storm through the surveillance rooms and escape out into the outside world.

There was a lot of risks and a lot at stake. They didn't know how many people would be there to try and stop them or what weapons they would have. Plus, there was always the chance they would catch onto their plan before they even reached the ruins and attempt to stop them. Everywhere was monitored except inside the huts. Every move they made was caught on a hidden camera. Every noise they made was captured by a microphone in a tree or bush.

The fear was almost paralysing. But as Connor lay in the water of the stream, floating as he collected his thoughts, he knew he had no choice. Life in the simulator was no life at all. He needed to get out and Levi had promised some people would be waiting on the other side the moment they managed to do so.

He took a moment to take in his surroundings here, one last time. The smell of the forest, the gentle sway of the breeze caused the trees to rustle like a chorus. There were so many details that they had gotten correct and made realistic inside here, but it was the attempt at the perfection that gave it away when you truly looked for it.

How the plants and trees were so perfect. None had defects. How the breeze always blew in the same direction, day or night and always at the same force and temperature. How the water was always feeling cool enough to be perfection in the heat of the fake sun overhead. Never too cold, even at night.

"Did I miss my invite?"

The familiar voice makes him forget for a moment, chuckling as he stands to face Link. The boy on the riverbank wears his soft boyish smile, still nervous each time he sees Connor. Scratching the back of his neck as his eyes glow with innocence behind his glasses. The rising sun lit up his soft skin and unkempt hair from where he has just woken up.

Undressing, Link joins him in the river, slowly wading through the water until he can wrap his arms around Connor's neck. The contact was the final piece of calm he needed at this moment. It was the eye of the storm and whatever was to come would change his life forever.

"Could Genesis not sleep?"

The question snaps Connor out of his denial. He isn't sure why Link has asked dit, but remembering his friend in all of this made him think of Carter. The twins were inseparable before his death and therefore just the mention of his sister made you picture him. Picture him smiling and laughing, taunting and joking. Picture him having a rare sentimental moment where he wanted to reveal the truth at all costs before a bear stopped him, caught him off guard and killed him.

"You were gone all night, Connor," Link questions further, sensing that the man before him wasn't sure what the question meant.

"Oh yeah," Connor says awkwardly, trying to detach himself from Link. But the other boy holds on tightly, unaware of the emotional distance that is growing between their entwined bodies. "We were talking about the plan for today."

It wasn't a lie, he bargained with himself. Not that he owed Link the truth. He didn't owe it to anybody after how they had all lied to him. But deep down he still cared for the boy in front of him. He still wanted Link to come with them and escape the simulation and tyranny too. He knew inside that there was a kind soul but the conflicting actions that he had seen still caused him to doubt if he should say anything or not. The only thing he knew, was that he couldn't do it out here in the open.

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