A lick is what you like

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Y/n Pov:

I went to a fast food, sense I was not in the mood to go get real food. This food was not the best, but it was okay, to say the least. A few guys and women were all looking at me with such lust in their eyes. As I was picking up my food I was about to leave when magical readings hit the air. It was easy to tell what it was it was a fallen to say the least, and a very weak one. Not the one's Issei face and killed but someone different they were aiming for my head hoping to kill me as soon as I leave, that's cute thinking they can hurt me. Or even lay their magic onto me. Let's play then bird brain. I slow down time and walked out. As I did, I went up to the bird man, not floating towards him. More like stepping up stairs towards him. I cress his cheek with my finger. Such a rough face so old say about early 100's or to say late 90's. I snap my fingers and time flows.

Bird: "Were she go I can't sense her anymore or see her?"

Y/n: "Behind you dear."

He tries a 180 attack with his spear of light. But it was stop by a hand of light.

Bird: "What the?"

Y/n: "Thinking high and mighty because you were with able to be smarter then Raynare. How cute so cute that I might just eat you up. But I don't date old dudes, I like them fresh. But you might be wondering what this hand of light is. Well it's one of the people I've killed in my time. I will never let such a weakling try to attack me."

He jumps away, but he falls down into a portal, as he did. He was in my illusion as I had him in my palm. So small so cute, this was an illusion to say the least, but at the same time it was as real as anything. I brought his soul here as well and if he dies here the soul dies and this man will be an empty husk. I can touch the soul of someone and does not matter who as long as they see or feel lust towards me or to others. I can do whatever I want to them, meaning he was bound to die when he wanted to kill me.


He tossed a spear at me but I blow one little gust of wind and the spear is gone. To be honest it would not do anything to me, I put my hand over the bird man, as I did his soul was being crushed under the heavy pressure as he begs for mercy. But I just close my eyes and smile as I did all I can hear is him crying and nothing left but a small spot of spirit essence aka blood from his soul. But it was absorb into my magic adding a new hand to my collection.

Y/n: "This is why I hate fowl sometimes. To salty but now to grade the rest of the papers."

Next morning: 

I was chopping up some lunch for later today. So I can have a great meal, have to stay healthy. As I was chopping away I got a letter and it was from Rias herself, with a little symbol on it and it was cute to see a drawing of her and her friends. I knew what this was it was a contract or a pact whatever devils call it. I did need to talk to her so this is perfect, not a flyer and such. But it is best to talk to her now then later, for I need to deal with something else today. I point my fingers out and started to summon the red head herself.

Rias: "I see you knew what was going on so can we talk?"

Y/n: "Yes sweety come sit I will make tea."

Rias: "Thank you miss-"

Y/n: "Please call me Y/n dear we are not on school grounds and besides we need to talk dear, and it's best we speak about it then later."

Rias: "Oh and that is?"

Y/n: "Dear do you feel any lust towards to anyone, feelings and such?"

She was caught off guard by my question so cute, as she was redder than her own hair.

Rias: "Well no not really and besides I don't care about that kind of stuff."

Y/n: "Rias it's okay I won't kiss and tell unless you want the kiss dear."

As I lay tea down in front of her she grabs it pretty quick sense she was so cute about all this.

Rias: "That's that's really good Y/n What what did you add in it?!"

Y/n: "Honey and just the normal amount tea, and with a bit of strawberry. Rias can you answer my question."

As I was getting closer and closer and she was backing up from me I can tell she is nervous and also sense in her that. She hates someone. I put my hand under her chin and bring her to face to face with me. Her eyes looking into my own, as I go next to her ear she thinks she might get a kiss or such. But I only tease sense I blew in her ear. Causing her to yelp.

Y/n: "Ara ara~ ♥ cute Rias never thought I would hear such things from you. Do you want a lick or something I can do such if need be?"

Rias: "NoNONONONONONONONO sorry just that caught me off guard. Y/n you are a really."

As I look into her eyes and smile and she tries her best to bring out the words she wanted to say to me but she, can't find the words to say. She seems to have fallen for me now, just those little things to make her fall for me. She was easy like anyone else, but I will not kill her she is too sweet and cute. To get rid of and besides she might taste very yummy. Hope cherry because that is my favorite thing to eat. As I lick my lips.

Y/n: "Also Rias I can sense you have hate towards someone who is it?"

She was red in the moment now blue as the deep sea.

Y/n: "You don't have to say dear sorry if it hit a spot."

Rias: "No it's just that thinking about it makes me sad. And it was really fun with you and the others. But if you come up things might get bad for my family. Not my real family my peerage I don't won't them to get hurt they are my family I love them all."

As she was starting to sob a bit as I open my arms up to her to give her a hug. As she starts to cry into my breasts as I pet the back of her head.

Y/n: "Shhhhh Rias your friend is here for you. I will make sure they don't get hurt you are just to sweet and so, cry as long as you want dear. For I will hold you close."

Few minutes later:

Y/n: "Better now."

She was sleeping into my breasts she was so tried but it was morning good chance that it is due to lack of sleep.

Y/n: "Fine dear you can stay for the day. Lucky I do like you."

I go to my room and lay her down on my bed. As I go back downstairs to read and watch TV.

(this will be a bit of short one sorry but next one will be a bit longer then this but let me give u this though.)


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