A beast

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Y/n Pov:

I was in my workshop studying what eye I was looking at. To be fair this is one thing I never understood the only one who understood them was that grand caster, Solomon. And he's long gone, there are 72 that master killed them all. Or I think he did, but he did beat a lot of them. Sense I was a beast class at one-point Goetia you bastard you really screwed with the timelines. I want it to be you because it would mean you're dead. But I think who might be behind this whole thing. I grab the eye as I look at it more, I can feel it's power even more.

Y/n: "It seems you are king Asmodeus tch. Got to make sure nobody finds you."

(Btw this is nasuverse Asmodeus not dxd. Just want to point that out.)

I snap my fingers and a pedestal pops up in front of me, I cut the eye in half took a bit but it's better than having them together. Less problems to deal with for one eye blast is as powerful as the golden blade from the king of knights. I put the right eye in the pedestal while I put the other one in the shadows.

Y/n: "That should be it now, even if they are split apart, they have no power. Now time to get to work."

I went to my desk and started to grade the papers and look over some magical elements, and it seems Gaia is different from the one I know. This Gaia is still powerful and such but does not pose a threat to me. I as I was looking over the elements something caught my eye fire in a bottle I made was trying to go to the cut in half eye on the pedestal.

Y/n: "Ah so it seems even as a passive thing your powers still do things not bad. But to bad your just an eye now."

The flame keeps hitting the glass. But nothing and so I grab it and add lighting to it as I did it seems to have calmed down now.

Y/n: "Interesting it seems you can only control pure flames huh. But adding such as lighting to the flame it will stop it. Make a note of that Y/n."

As one of my many hands writes it down. As it did so it shows itself to me and wants a high-five which I gave a high five.

Y/n: "Now time to hit the sack hands keep studying okay we need to know now, while doing so make notes of your events, okay?"

They give me the thumbs up as they did, I went to bed.

Next day:

I woke up and it seems everything is normal well somewhat normal. When I woke up a few notes were on my counter. I grab them and go to make breakfast. Pancakes and bacon with some apple juice on the side, I added syrup with some strawberries and cool whip.

Y/n: "Time to read what they left for me."

As I was looking it seems the eye was somewhat moving not much but a bit. As I was reading the notes, my thoughts were interrupted when I heard knock on my door. I let one of my hands open the door because I knew who it was.

Y/n: "Hello Asia dear what do you need?"

Asia: "I wanted to thank you."

Y/n: "About with Rias?"

Asia: "Yes what that man did and from what I heard when he was fighting Issei it broke my heart. I don't won't to lose them. And so I wanted to thank you."

Y/n: "I don't mind a thanks dear but are you going to be late for school?"

Asia: "Mhm no I left very early so I can thank you."

Y/n: "Oh did not know it was that time did you have breakfast?"

Asia: "I-"

As her stomach growls and we both look at her stomach.

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