Discord and Spike were somewhere in the Canterlot Castle throne room and Discord just told him he is in love with Fluttershy
Spike: So Discord how are you going to tell her
Discord: I don't know
Spike: Just wait until she gets home and tell her
Discord: Okay I'll do that
That Night
Fluttershy came home from Ponyville to her cottage and when she opened the door and saw Discord on her couch
Fluttershy: Discord, what are you here
Discord: Can I tell you something
Fluttershy: Of course your my friend
Discord: I love you, will you be my marefriend
Fluttershy did a wide smile
Fluttershy: Of course I love you too
Discord: I understand you don't- wait WHAT
Fluttershy: I have the same feeling for you would you like to spend the night here
Discord and Fluttershy went to her room and they kissed and went to sleep outside Queen Chrysalis was watching and she flew somewhere until she found the goat headed cave and entered and saw the rest of villains
Lord Tirek: Ah Chrysalis welcome back what did you find out
Chrysalis: Discord and that puny little mare are now dating
King Sombra: So the Lord of Chaos would rather choose a puny mare
Storm King: Hey I always wandered something you three got turned to stone, you four got sent too Limbo [the sirens and the pony of shadow], and I got turned into a statue that broke
Sonata Dusk: Yeah so
Storm King: So, how did we come
a voice to the entrance: I did
They turned around and saw Grogar and he approached and the villains raised their eyebrows
Chrysalis: Nice try Discord
Lord Tirek: Yeah we're not falling for it again
Grogar: It's cute that you think I'm that idiot
They all noticed that Grogar's eyes were blood red and they all gasped
Storm King: You really are Grogar
Aria Blaze: So what do you want
Grogar: I want to join you and be your leader that way with all of us working together we can take over Equestria and enslave everypony and if anyone wants to get in our way we will kill them
All the villains: Deal
Grogar went over to the fake crystal ball and pushed it off the stone table and it shattered into a million pieces and put his real crystal ball on the the stone table and he and the other villains looked into it and saw Discord and Fluttershy snuggling each other in Fluttershy's bed and Sombra knew he was like that with Luna before he betrayed her trust and felt sorry he did that
The Next Day
Fluttershy told the news to her friends and they congratulated her
Rainbow Dash: We so happy for you Flutters
Fluttershy: Thanks Dashie
Pinkie Pie: Can I please plan you wedding when you get married
Fluttershy and Discord A Love Story
FanfictionThis is a story about Fluttershy and Discord