Clayton Keller (smutttt freaky ig)

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Clayton and i were shopping all day. "Cant we just go home." He whines wrapping his arms around my figure. "One more store i just want to go into victori-" "dont even finish that sentence." He says sternly. "Please babe. Pleeeeeaseeee" i beg as he leans down to my ear. "Whatever you buy i am SO fucking you in later." He lifts his head up and gives me a tight lipped smile as i drag him to VS.

i pick out this lacey pink thong and a bra to go with it as well as a maroon red one. I went to the fitting room to make sure it fit right and clayton claimed he HAD TO come with me becuase he was scared of the store. I tried on the red one first and it fit perfect. "Damn. Smokeshow. Definitely getting that one, sexy." Clayton says running his hands down my curves. "Kay." I say happily.

He said he wanted to be suprised with the pink one and to try it on without him there and when i had walked out i saw him talking to an associate pointing at a sexy black set. "Hey babe." I say wrapping my arms around clayton as he turns around and kisses my forehead. "You'd look sexy as fuck if you wore that. Please get it. Please. Ill buy it. You can have all my money, fuck if you want to spend the millions of dollars i make this year on buying the whole store im down." I chuckle at his rant and pick out my size.

He walks out a happy man and we walk to the parking lot with the pretzel i bought for both of us to share, and we drove home.

I try on the lace black set and clayton was not lying it definitely looked good. "Ooouuuffff sexyyyy." He said looking at me through the mirror door on our closet. "Fuck. You made me get hard." He said smirking. I smile at him and stradle him on the bed.

He starts to make out with me and slips his hands down to my thong. He flips me over and starts leaving hickeys on my body. "Mmmphhh. Claytonnn." I say moaning as he unclips my new bra for the first time, only took about an hour. He starts sucking on my breast as i moan out for our apartment neighbors to hear.

He groans and slides my panties to the side. "Fuck. Your wet." He says as he drags a finger through my folds. "Mmmphh." I moan as he slips a finger into my dripping pussy. "Good girl." He says as i arch my back and start grinding into him. "Daddy." I moan "call me that again, thats hot." He says as i keep saying his newly discovered kink. He slips two more fingers in, at the same time.

He curls them and starts thrusting his fingers in at a very frantic pace. Im a moaning mess under him "your fingers are so good, daddy." I say as he chuckles, "it comes with the game." He winks. He continues fingering me till i yell out "im gonna cum!" "Cum, Princess squirt all over my fingers." He says as I completely let go.

I move away after he licks it all up thinking he was done. "Hey. Im not done. My endurance also comes with the game. I told you i was going to fuck you did i not?" I nod and pull his jeans down with his boxers. He grabs a condom out of the nightstand and I grab his dick as he hisses, "fuck. Your so sexy, your soft sexy hands feel so good wrapped around my cock." I take this as encouragement and line him up with my raw pussy. I slide down on his dick and start bouncing.

You can hear our skin clapping from a mile away. "Fuck daddy" "harder, sexy. Harder!" He says as he groans and takes my waist into his manly hands and bounces me on him harder. "Fuck im so close clay-" "cum." He says and i just let it go. He cums in the condom and makes me lick it, and his dick clean.

"Does your big thick cock come with the game too?" I say smriking as we cuddle.

a/n, ts was so fucking freaky this is crazy.
p.s. maturing is realizing clayton keller is so hot. kinda like a hotter version of noah dobson

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