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a/n , nobodys gonna read this but this was the first one i had written i think its okay but js know its the first one that ive ever written i kinda hesitated to post this one but im trying to get back into writing so comment a players name and team name and i will write something ab them (try to give a promt if you can) okay bye!

Washington plays today against the Florida panthers i was hoping panthers lost because after a rough game or roadtrip Tom is always coming home pissed and takes it out on my body if you know what i mean....

I was watching the game the caps were up 1-0 when panthers scored and made it 1-1. I was so thankful. I watched as Tom ripped his stick against the board and i got wet.

-Third period-
The panthers were leading 4-2 Tom scored but it didnt really change the fact he was pissed. The game was in the final 5 and i was just watching the clock hoping it would go by faster than it had, it felt like ive been staring at this tv for yearsss this whole game. I was just ready to get shoved into the matress already.

The panthers won! This has definitely made my night. I was drinking red wine (idk it js gives bad bitch for some reason) as Tom walks in the door. "Hey lover" i slur kind of drunk as i walk up to him, i was wearing a verrryy short black dress Tom eyes me up and down and pulls me by my waist "Cute." He whispers in my ear and harshly kisses me. The kiss was passinate like hes been waiting for decades. He picks me up and walks me to our shared room in our apartment.

He practically throws me on the bed and takes off his clothes revealing black tight boxers that show what ive done to him."You look so sexy. But this is going to have to come off, like now." He grabs the hem which has ridden all the way up to my belly button.

He reveals a black lace set and groans. "Fuck. Ive had such a rough game and i want to destroy yo-" "do it then." I cut him off. "You seem eager, i wouldnt let me use that against you if i were you, sexy." I shrug as much as i could as he kisses down my neck right to the top of my bra. "This is going to come off too." I try to run my fingers down his abs but he grabs both of my hands with one of his and pins them against the top of the bed. "You know the rules. You let me fuck the shit out of you and you do absolutely nothing but listen. You know the code word. No noises, no cumming, not unless you deserve it and i say you can. Understood, love?" I nod. "I couldnt hear you, what was that?"

I practically melt as he toys with the top of my panties. "Yes sir." He chuckles as i stutter. "Whats the code word baby?" I gulp. "Butternut" (victorius refrence bc i love that show so much.) I say as he smiles and nods happily. "Okay let daddy do his work, as i said before no noises." I let out a shakey breath as he grins ear to ear. He kisses my neck and i whimper. "I said no noises." He said as he grabs my neck putting the slightest amount of pressure. "Do you need a refresher of the rules again?" I nod  my head. "Good." He smiles for what seems like the 30th time.

He lifts me off my back gently and unclips my bra slowly. He takes it off and starts kissing my breasts.  I bite my lip trying not to moan. "Mmmm." He mumbles as he takes my nipple in his mouth and starts sucking and kissing the area. "Jerk me off." He states after he takes my boob out of his mouth. He wastes no time unpinning my hands and guides me down to under his boxers.

I grip it and start using his pre cum as lotion to make it easier for me. I start going up and down hard. He starts groaning as he kisses down my belly. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I go harder and harder. "Im going to cum. Stop." He says, i dont stop. "Y/N i said stop." He grabs my hand and slides off his boxers. "Now your going to take this punishment because you cant seem to listen." He doesnt take another second to push his dick into my mouth as i lay on my back helpless as he pins my hands above my head.

He starts practically bounces on my face up and down as i cry. Its so big. Its all in my mouth i can barley breath but this is so fun. I start crying louder and louder. He takes one of his hands off of mine and starts rubbing me through my underwear.

I moan as he goes harder. "Fuck baby. Fuck. Keep going." He says as he thrusts harder into my throat. Rubbing faster i moan around his thick cock and he cums. "fuckkkkkk" he slurs as he comes down from his high and stops rubbing me. There is mascara streaming down my face as he pulls out of my mouth.

"That. Was. So. Good." He says in between kissing my neck. "Thank you baby, are you okay?" He asks. "Yes im fine. Now come on and fuck the shit out of me please. Im so horny i was hoping you would lose so you would dest-" "did you just say you were hoping i lost?" He cuts me off, his expression going from soft to hard in a matter of seconds.  "Ye- ah." I say worried.

"I was going to reward you for what you just did. But now? That doesnt sound very supportive of you. And i have a feeling im going to have to punish you for that." He says. I look at him. He rips off my panties and slides two fingers into my pussy fast and hard. I moan out. "No noises." He says as he thrusts his fingers into me fast and hard. He senses that im close and pulls his fingers out.

He walks away from the bed and into our locked nightstand. He grabs out a vibrator that is made for edging. "Tomm-" "shut the fuck up," he says "you are going to get edged while i sit in the chair in the corner and jerk off, you can make as many noises as you want now and ride the pillows. But if you cum, there will be consequences, my dear." He says as he slides the 7 inch vibrator into me and flips it on. It starts vibrating. I moan loudly.

The vibrator was new and never used so i wasnt used to how good it was, i was about to come and it turned off. I get off the bed and grab Toms pillow. I start humping it and riding it trying to get friction. I hear him groaning and yelling my name in the corner.

The pillow sinks into my shape and i start riding. "Ugh fuck.." i say the vibrator turns back on and i keep riding. I hear the chair creak and i feel Toms hands roaming my ass. I feel him line up with my butt and he thrusts into me. "Fuck. Your tight." He says, the vibrator flicking off. "Ride me." He says "but Tom, i still have a vibrator in my pussy." I whine. "So?" He says and flips us over.

Im on top and i start bouncing and crying because of how tight my hoel is. The vibrations start again and stay on. Tom takes it out and i pull him out of my butt and sit on his cock. "Fuck." We both yell and i start bouncing and riding him. "Im close." He says as i agree. "You can cum after i do." He says he flips us over my head on the pillow i was riding on previously to this and my legs spread wide open as he thrusts hard and deep. He takes my legs and puts them over his shoulders, going deeper if even possible.

I scream, "Daddy!! Ahhhh" and he thrusts harder. "Fuck baby your doing so good." He shoots his cum in me and groans as i squirt everywhere. "Fuck baby." He says. "We need to even the playing feild, i cummed twice and you only cummed once, sit on my face." He states as he lays down and grabs my hips. "But im sensitive Tommy its gonna hurt." I say worriedly "its okay baby ill go slow." He says carefully taking my hips and sitting me on his face.

He flicks his tounge in my pussy and starts licking. I moan so loud and ride his face."Fuck tommy." He goes faster. "Faster daddy!! Faster!! Harder!! Please!!" He goes faster, and harder to my command. "Ahhh!!" I yell as a orgasim in his mouth. "Mmmm." I feel him groan. I get off his face and he takes his fingers savoring every last bit of my juices. "That was pure heaven." I say out of breath.  "Come on lets go get you taken care of." As he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bath.

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