Chapter 3: How Bonds are Forged

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Y/n got out of bed and out of the barracks early in the morning. The sounds woke Thurner, who followed close behind. They both marched to the training grounds while conversing. Nothing new or transcendent, but both were glad to share the moment. Thurner then pointed out that there was some time before the routine started, and so the pair sat on a pair of rocks nearby, waiting.

Thurner: Where were you yesterday? I couldn't find you after dinner.

Y/n: I was with Krista, giving food to the potato girl.

Thurner: The first day, and you've already broken the rules. (He smiled) Disappointing.

Y/n replied with an equal smile.

Y/n: Pfft. You're next in line, no chance you get through the week without doing the same.

They both noticed a figure coming from the distance, which, closer, they identified as Jean, who greeted the pair and, lacking a rock to have a seat in, he sat on the floor before beginning a conversation.

Jean: If I recall, (looking at Thurner) you were James, (shifting his gaze onto Y/n) and I don't know about you.

Y/n, being the gentleman he is, looked at Thurner, asking him to go first.

Thurner: I go by Thurner, but don't worry. Jean, right? Nice to meet you.

Y/n: I'm Y/n. How you doing?

The three kept on with the conversation going forward. Krista joined a bit later, followed by Ymir, after her Connie. Eventually, every cadet was around the area, getting to know each other after the first day. After some calm hours, Instructor Keith appeared and led them to some devices.

Keith: This is the aptitude test, your first challenge! If you can't beat this, say goodbye to your dreams! You will be worse than an insect!

They all divided and made groups, one for each device. Y/n observed how the most successful trainees did it, and he decided he would try to stay as still as possible until he felt comfortable.

His turn came, and a cadet set him up. During this time, Y/n calmed down the best way he could, knowing this would take his full concentration. He suddenly felt a sensation in his stomach and his abdominals tensed up on instinct, which helped him keep balance. He was being pulled up, airborne. 

He made a few adjustments to keep himself stable but kept himself from wiggling as Keith inspected his posture, confidence, and how he managed. He had no comment and moved on to the next trainee. 

Y/n looked at the faces of the people below him, most of which had already been in his position. Reiner was smiling, proud. Krista was also smiling, happy for his friend. Ymir showed a grin. Thurner gave him a thumbs up, and a blonde girl he didn't know the name of observed him with curiosity.

Y/n didn't mind the unknown girl and smiled at them before looking to his left, where Jean and Connie seemed to have a bit of trouble, but managing very well overall, and Sasha was swaying, in control of the situation. He returned to the front and noticed everyone was looking to his right. They were looking not at the black-haired girl Eren had followed the night before, who was almost still, but at Eren himself, hanging upside down.

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