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Hey, to whoever read my story, thank you. I can't express how each and every comment of support and every view meant. But right now I've reached a point of no return in the story. 

I'm sorry for everyone who followed this story, but posting chapter by chapter was a mistake. Writing chapter 8, there were too many things I had left out, and I just want to have a clean, fresh start again. I've decided I will rewrite the story, have someone beta it and then post it week by week, on schedule, while I cook up season 2, and so on and so forth. I'll post chapter 8 just for the future me, to see where I could make it better, but it's unfinished.

It won't start from zero again, I just have to make sure what Y/n's goals really are, make Historia a more important side character, like a backing force to Y/n, and also not let the story just drag the two of them around. I think Thurner needs to be more consistent with his personality, and I overall have to understand each of the characters better to make a really interesting narrative.

Y/n felt way too unrealistic and any kind of emotional attachment to krista and later historia, not feasible.  

I feel like I needed to flesh out Thurner a bit more, which I planned to do, but it wouldn't make sense without me changing a lot of what I previously stated about him.

Y/n's conversations with Annie are a mess, because I have no idea how to handle her, and also because of Y/n's unclear past. I will have to reconsider her entire approach, and Y/n's entire life.

And that's just the beginning, I plan on continuing, but I really can't continue with a story I'm not fully happy with. Anything you, the reader, want to add, please do, I read every comment and will be more than happy to keep it mind. I will change a lot of things, but I plan for the rework to have the same feel this story already has.

Again, thank you for everyone who read, I hope you enjoyed it. And sorry. Really. I know if it was me reading I'd be pretty pissed. I'll update on progress on my profile.

See you later.

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