Chapter 8: (Incomplete)

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Almost a month had passed since they were officially named scouts. They were now in Karanese, preparing the expedition. Along this time, every person unsure of their decision was finally assured they made the right choice.

Most of the month, at least for Y/n, was spent training not only his body, but his mind. He meditated every single day, in hoping to recall more of what Annie showed him. He had long accepted that whatever he saw was his memories, and thanks to them, he now knew what his father looked like. 

He didn't achieve any new memories, but saw other benefits. 

Such as remembering he had broken his legs. And were then miraculously healed. He had to talk to Levi. 

With this in mind, he began a quest to find him, which didn't prove much of a challenge. Levi sat under the wooden ceiling of the eatery with a teapot and some steaming cups in front of him, looking to the infinite. When Y/n opened the door, his attention turned to the soldier. 

Y/n: Captain, I need to talk with you.

Levi signaled towards the empty seat in front of him. As Y/n sat down, his mentor took the teapot in his hands.

Levi: Tea?

Y/n: Yeah, thanks.

Levi poured him the drink on one of the tea cups. Y/n wasn't used to cups, and tried taking it by the handle, It broke and smashed on the floor, Y/n flinched.

Y/n: Fuck.

Levi waved it off.

Levi: Don't worry about it, at least you're not saying "screw".

Y/n smiled, remembering their exchange years ago. Levi set down his cup on the table and looked at Y/n.

Levi: Anyways, Y/n, what did you want to talk about?

Y/n didn't answer immediately, thinking about what words fit best what he wanted to say.

Y/n: It's about something that's been bothering me for a while now. On the battle of Trost, after I lost most of my squad, I... broke my legs. I remember a titan just sent me flying towards a house, legs first.

Y/n stopped for a moment under Levi's questioning glance.

Y/n: But I woke up in an infirmary, with Bertholdt and Reiner. It was as if nothing ever happened. My legs were okay, and I didn't feel anything hurting.

The captain slightly raised an eyebrow.

Levi: You sure you didn't hit your head there?

Y/n: I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure. I just- It's all so clear, just as anything else I've done in my life. When has my memory let you down?

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