A rough start and a farewell

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Fear. Fear is something that Izuku had come to know very well, he had never gone a day without being afraid of everything around him. The slightest of sounds were able to set him off, yet when Katsuki introduced himself, he didn't feel scared.

"We're gonna be friends" those are the words he said to him, he asked no questions, he didn't fear him, he wasn't disgusted by him, he held a lot of fire in the words he spoke to him, but none of it burned him. He stated that they were gonna be friends like it was a fact of life. Just as Rain Falls and flowers Bloom, they were going to become friends.

Izuku had never felt such certainty, such conviction, such head strongness in anyone ever before. The other things he said, about being the next number one hero and that he would have to get prepared because he wasn't going to let an extra be his friend, all of it was laced in self confidence and arrogance but under that tough shell, Izuku understood something that no one else in the room did, maybe not even Katsuki himself.

He understood that what he said wasn't a warning, it was a declaration. It was a promise that he would stick to Izuku's side. That was why he didn't feel fear, that was why he felt safe around his new friend.

But even if Katsuki introduced Izuku to friendship, showing his face was something he wasn't as willing to do. When the blond had asked for him to show him his face, Izuku was bewildered. Why? Why would he want to see his face? Why would he ask him to do something he despises so much? Weren't they supposed to be friends?

He closed himself off, turning away from his new friend in protest. He would get nothing from him, he told himself. But in his flurry of thoughts, he thought about what his friend might have meant.

"if we're going to be friends, then we're gonna watch heroes on television together." Katsuki didn't care about watching tv, they were playing with hero action figures just fine not too long ago, what he wanted behind his juvenile request was to see his face because they were gonna be friends, and you need to have trust in your friends. Izuku needed to trust Katsuki to not think of him as a monster after seeing his face, they needed to have this kind of trust if they were ever going to really become friends.

And so after steeling his resolve, he willingly chose to let someone other than his own mother see his face for the first time in his life.

To Katsuki, the moment must have been short, but to Izuku time slowed to a crawl. After removing his mask and sunglasses from his face, he first felt the cool breeze from the A/C caressing his face, making him shiver.

After that, the fear set in. He had never let himself be in the same room as someone when his face wasn't covered. Even when his mom was in the same room as him, he would prefer to have his coverings on to mitigate the fear he felt, so to have his face laid bare while in the same room as someone he had only known for a short while made his heartrate skyrocket.

But he needed to push through, he needed to do this for his friend and so he forced himself to turn around and face Katsuki.

As he was turning around, getting closer and closer to facing the young blond, he started hearing voices, first as whispers warning him against what he was doing. Then, the whispers became louder and louder until eventually they were all yelling at him to stop, begging for him to not show his face and to turn back around.

But, the young greenette didn't back down. "I won't listen to you, i have to do this!" He told the voices inside his head, now with tears running down his face, and with one final push, he faced Katsuki Bakugou.

There are no words to describe the utter terror Izuku felt when his friend's gaze met his, he felt as though the world around him was shattering and all that was left was him and that awful, awful staring directed towards him.

It was his turn to beg, to plead. He called out to the voices, asking them, begging them to bring him back, to make it stop but the voices laid silent. After a while, however, something new appeared, something that Izuku had never felt before in his life, something that was Burning and tearing at his very insides.

Anger, pure white-hot anger. The voices then came back, but no longer were they talking to Izuku. Now, all they did was scream, they started screaming louder and louder and louder until it reached a deafening degree. Izuku, becoming angrier and angrier by the second was about to let out his own scream to try to quiet the voices down but right before he could, a voice barely more audible than a whisper rung out to him.

"Sna.... th..... uck.... out..... of... it....."

What was it trying to say? The voice
was getting louder, eventually he could make out the words being said, a slurry of insults and demands to stop freaking out.

He wondered to himself who this voice was that was overtaking the screaming ones but before he could question its origin any further he was shaken out of his stupor by an explosive fist connecting with his jaw.

He blinked a couple times, his senses now coming back to him and he could now see Katsuki gripping him by his collar and shaking him


His memory then came back to him what, Katsuki had asked to see his face and Izuku agreed to let him see... it.

Before Katsuki could further berate his friend, Izuku open his mouth up as wide as he could, let out a loud screech and with all the remaining anger he had, he hit his friend in his face, making him fly across the room and into a wall. Now with the blond's eyes off of him, Izuku scurried to get his mask and sunglasses off of the floor and back on his face before getting into the fetal position and loudly crying to himself.

Inko and Mitsuki had heard the loud commotion coming from where their sons were playing and so hurried into the room to check on the two boys, both of them were horrified at what they saw and each individually went to check on their children. Inko tended to her son's healing but still charred and cooked skin and Mitsuki tended to her own son, who was now bleeding from his mouth, a tooth had apparently been knocked out by the greenette strike.

"It's ok honey, it's ok. Shhhh, Everything's all right." Inko said, trying to calm her son down who was now clinging to her.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Izuku said, through sobs and hiccups.

Izuku Midoriya, the scopophobic heroWhere stories live. Discover now