chapter 3

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Jimin pov

7 years ago

When I left the mansion, I didn't have any idea about where to go, I just walk here and there, I even slept on the bench at the park, because I have nowhere to go but I was still managing with the little bit of money in my pocket,

But one night I was walking further away on the road when a man in he's 40ts with he's two friends stopped me, he try to over power me by showing of he's puffy body but I'm fighter myself, it's the thing you learn when you go to school where every singles child is trouble maker,

He try to grab me but I was quick to move away, but two of he friends try to grab me again but I again moves, it lead us to fight and I manage to beat them all up, but I was beaten myself too, I sat at the side of road trying to breath and relax it was my first time fighting someone,

I saw three black cars stopped in front of the guys I fought with and a man in he's 60s or something walked out and before I knew it, he shot them all at that moment I shit my pants, I try to get up and run away but he turned to me and saw me trying to run away,

He commands he's man's to catch me and they did,

"Hey let go of me, I didn't do anything they try to fight me, I wasn't the one who started" the man laugh and it sounded deep and scary,

"I'm just amazed to see you alone fought my man's and knock them up, I've been noticing you wondering around here for some times now" I looked around and saw the man's was around me,

"It's non of you business sir, you can't just stalk people like that" he again laugh at me,

"Do you know kid, I was just like you when I was a kid, I was stubborn and hard headed, just give me one honest answer, how old are you" I was nervous but answer him,

"18 year" I said and he nodded

"Let's go to my house, and change the shirt it has blood on it" I looked at myself, without any shame, I took my shirt of and threw it at the side of road and my watch was broken too so I threw it away as well,

"Jackson give your jacket to her" the man named Jackson give me the jacket, I wore it and looked at the man again,

"I'm coming with you but it doesn't mean I trust you, if you try to do something I will kill you with my bare hands, because I'm not scared of death, I have no one in my life" the man nodded and open the car door for me,


Present day

I woke up from my sleep and was getting ready for my training, the old man was really something, he home schooled me, when I was in school and now I'm living the luxurious life,

But there's a thing that old man is a gangster mafia, he educated me and trained me too,

He wants me to take he's place so he can rest because he thinks if he's positioned gose to someone elses hand it will be mess, anybody can take advantage of the position so he trained me to become a mafia,

He thinks I look like he's dead daughter, he's daughter was a lawyer and always fight for justice and that lead him to fight with he's daughter, he would yell at her and even walk away when she needed him, but he regretted everything when he found out she killed herself, he was devastated and he try to kill himself too but God has other plan for him,

That's the reason he took me in, he thinks of me as he's daughter and I call him papa, in just 7 years he had given me the love that I missed, I feel like I have a really father, he treats me as a daughter and spoils me as a granddaughter and trains me like an enemy,

"Yoo karina get your ass down here right now" that's my papa and yes he changed my name too, I run downstairs just to see him standing at the door glaring at me,

"Why are you yelling at me" I ask him, he just smile at me and walk out of the house, I followed him but saw a beaten man laying on the garden,

"He was abusing he's own children's three of them are just 5 to 9 years old, and he locked he's wife in the basement for a year, I sent her to the hospital with her kids and I'm going to give her some money to start her life again, but I want you to take care of him first" I nodded and walked closer to the guy, he looked rich but too bad he's not going back ever again, the bodyguard were beside me,

"Take him to the basement, give him whatever he wants to eat or drink, just don't let him sleep, if he try to sleep even for a minute beat him up and patch he's wounds again and again" they nodded and dragged him away,

What a way to start a day

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