chapter 40

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Jimin's pov,

Today the schools board members and the owner which is me are going to announce the new principal who is non other then aeri,

And kids are happy about it, except for Asa who's been calling minjeong since last night just so she can stop aeri from becoming an principal,

"Jimin do it quickly we have to be at the party by 12 and it's already 9:30" she moan and scratch my back, I hissed,

"Just a little bit more baby I'm almost there" i said and groan in pleasure, she cum and I thrusted fast and hard, I cum after her and lay beside her,

"You know, you need to calm him down, we can't go for another round let's shower and gets ready or aeri won't be so happy" she said and sigh, I got up and carry her in to the bathroom, after taking a shower we both got dressed,

"You look handsome my love" minjeong said and helped me with my tie, I kissed her forehead,

"And you look like an queen of my heart" I said with the love but she laughed at me and pinch my cheek,

"Way too cheesy early in the morning, now go and wake the kids up, we need to be there early" I nodded and walked out while minjeong started to do her makeup,

"As soon as I enter hanni's room I saw her wide awake and on the phone, I walked closer way to close so I can hear who she was talking to but she moved away, and glare at me,

"Yaah who are you talking to, who is it, do they know who I am and what I can do, wanna have an experience" I yelled but hanni glare at me and hang up,

"Appa it was haerin, she called and apologized for her behavior, she said she was sorry and wanted treat me with a meal, why do you have to be so loud early in the morning" I was shocked but then smile and set beside her and hug her,

"Was she too harsh on you" I ask and she nodded while blushing and that makes me more confused,

"Yes but she apologize and said she won't do it again and will treat me well, she even ask me to go out for dinner with her" I smile at her because I know haerin and she's, my trusted child, i trust her like I trust my own two daughters, if she's taking hanni out then I don't have any problems,

"Ok you have my permission you can go out with her but for now get ready we have to be at school early" I ruffle her hair and walked to minji's bedroom just to see her all ready and cleaning her room,

"Hey my handsome man, when did you wake up" I ask as I walked in to her and set on her study table,

"I woke at like 4 in the morning, Danielle called me at 4 claiming that there's a ghost in her room, the one she saw last night in the movie, I was talking to her for like 2 hours then finally she went to sleep and I couldn't sleep after that" I laughed at her sulking face, my little handsome minji,

"Its ok you have no idea what I went through when your mom decides to watch an horror movies, she's all brave while watching the movie but as soon as I turns the light off and try to sleep, she doesn't even let me turn to the other side, I have to let her sleep on my chest and hug me all night" minji laughed at me and suddenly got shy,

"What if I tell you that, I kissed Danny yesterday and we almost did it" I nodded and didn't found anything weird about it, but then it clicked me,

"It's ok to kiss, but make sure you never cross the line of innocence, I'm not trying to embarrassed you, but you're both too young for that kind of thing, you both need to be mature enough to know the consequences of your actions, just because others are doing doesn't mean you have to do it too" she nodded and didn't make I contact with me, I know she get scared when it comes to me scolding her, but I need to have this talk with her,

"I'm not saying never do it, you can do it but when you are mature enough, when you earn your own money to take responsibility and when you can be able to take responsibility" she still didn't look up,

"Ok let's just say you got her pregnant, what are you both going to do, drop out of the college, rise a kid without money in the pocket, or work here and there just so you can feed your child" she shook her head and set down on the bed,

"That's what I'm talking about, making out is OK, but not the sex part, not until you become the CEO of yoo enterprises keep that in mind minji, I won't say it again" she nodded and I saw tears in her eyes, I walked up to her and got on my knees,

"Did I hurt your feelings" I ask honestly, she shook her head,

"No, I just don't know why I'm crying" I nodded and kissed her forehead,

"I just don't want to see you guys make mistakes at the very young age, I just want to see you happy and I love Danny for you, I will never ask you to let that angel go, ok" she nodded and hug me,

"Now now, go wash your face and let's go pick Danny from her house" she smile and walked into the bathroom to wash up, I walked out and went to my bedroom and saw minjeong all ready,

"Come on let's get downstairs and help me with my heels" I nodded and pick her up she yelped and slap my shoulder,

We got downstairs and I heard doorbell ring I was about to open the door but minji come running downstairs, and open the door,

Haerin walked in without greeting minji who looked so much pissed,

"What are you doing here" minji ask but haerin didn't even spare a Glace at her, and walked up to us,

"Hi mama" she kissed minjeong on the cheek and then me,

"I'm here to take hanni with me, I was going to the school so I decided to pick her up if you don't mind" I nodded and pet her head, then she set beside minjeong and waited for hanni who come downstairs wearing a gorgeous dress,

"Hey you're not taking my sister anywhere with you, because I won't let you" minji said but hanni glare at her and walked up to haerin,

"Sorry minji but I have plans bye bye" I wanted to laugh at minji's expression but minjeong shook her head,

Haerin and minji left but minji was looking at me with her famous frowned forehead,

"That's not fair you lectured me about focusing on study's but you didn't say anything to that haerin girl and hanni" she yelled and set beside minjeong,

"First she apologized to hanni early in the morning, seconds it's hanni who was all happy about going on a Date with haerin, and the lecture I gave you, she has already given by aeri months ago, now here take this keys, there's a brand new car in the parking for you, go and show it to your Danny" she looked at me with shock but got really excited that she didn't even wait for goodbye and run out with the keys in hand,

I set beside minjeong who had tears in her, I smile at her and kissed her forehead,

"They grow up too fast aren't they love" minjeong ask and I nodded, I couldn't believe that my daughter's will grow up so fast, because it was like just yesterday I held my both angels in my arms while they giggle and cry for us,

"They sure did, I'm just happy they both are nothing like me and I'm so grateful that they took after you, they have all your habits, they both are like mama's prince and princess" she laughed and pick my cheek,

"But I'm happy that you never change for anything, I love you the way you are, I can't imagine this life without you and that's the reason I always call you...


                             My love

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