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zara woke up. Grunting, she turned off her Taylor Swift alarm. saba was already up, brushing her teeth. She sat up, annoyance, lethargy, sadness, panic, anxiety— all gripping her, as if she were a rare diamond which could never, not in any situation— be thrown away.

She climbed down, grabbed her towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and clothes and proceeded to go the bathroom for an early morning bath when saba stopped her. Spitting out the foam from her mouth, she asked, anger lacing her voice at every word she uttered.

"What's that scar on your head?"
—Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it. You wouldn't care anyway, why should you?
"So you've been harming again?"
"Amazing, here we go around keeping you on a twenty-four-hour suicide watch, sacrifice our time and energy in saving you, and yet, yet you go around hurting yourself. What, not even a bit of gratitude for anyone or something?"
—saba, I'd hate to say this, but the world, my world— it doesn't revolve around you.

Saying this, she stormed out of her room. Splashing her face with ice-cold water, she stared at the mirror— and she splashed her face. Again, and again, and again, till a smirk appeared on her lips, a mad, scary, grin— and she laughed. A small, dry one, but a laugh still. And she felt victorious— she felt as if she had conquered the world, and while one small part of her mind was begging her to not go crazy— the devilish, wild happiness overpowered all kinds of thoughts— till she entered.

"Hi", a small, shy smile appeared on the face of the person who was lathering her toothbrush with toothpaste. "zeith", she introduced, her hand in the position to accept a handshake. zara shook it, a formal smile now playing on her face. 

"Fashion technology, met you yesterday."
—Myself, zara. Literature, English. I remember opening my door to you, yes.
"Ooh, that's one cool subject. I always remember being fascinated by books as a young child."
—You aren't, now?
"No, no— I still love reading, it's just that time is scarce."
—Ah yes, I can relate to that.
"Wanna go for breakfast together? My roommate has got some other plans for today."
—Of course, but for that, I need to be quick, so—
"Sure, sure", she grinned.

Opening the cubicle door, she slipped inside. Hanging her possessions on the hooks attached to the door, she turned on the shower. "They did not turn up the geyser yet", she observed, as a light gasp left her mouth at the shock of cold now reverberating through her body. "Must not be 7:00 yet", she murmured as she forced herself under the manually-started cold rain.

8:00, she was at the table for breakfast. zeith appeared shortly afterwards, her combed hair shining wet when the thin stream of sunlight hit her face, painting her golden.

"You'll catch a cold. Do you have a handkerchief?" zara remarked casually, spreading butter on her bread. "Well no, but your hair is wet too", she remarked, lifting one of her eyebrows. "My hair is short, it'll dry soon." zeith smiled and stuffed her bread in her 

mouth. you want another? second punch. another? third punch. another?
—why are you doing this to me?
doing this to you? look at you, filth. we study our asses off trying to score and you sleep in half of the classes— you're asking us why we're doing this to you?
—well, yes, i remember asking that just now.

slap, a hand hit her face. 

don't talk that way to her. don't you know who she is?
—she could be zeus and i still wouldn't give a flying fuck. now, if you would move, please. you're taking up unnecessary space.

a tug on her collar, she got slammed against the wall.

i'm the daughter of the principal of the school your parents are taking loans to pay.
parent. i don't have a mom.
oh very well. parent it is, then.
—dad doesn't take loans, by the way.
as if i fucking care. now, look up at me, will you?
—i won't, you're not much to look at. boyfriend not giving you his attention?

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