~Special Chapter~

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"I don't have a g..." He can't continue his words, pheromones filled the air, Yibo can hardly move, he felt his whole body freeze right at that moment.

"What!?... " Yibo wants to curse, but he doesn't even have the energy to mkve a finger.

The other person went back to his senses and opened the windows so the pheromones in the air would go out. He takes a deep breath and adjusted his eye color.

[Alpha's eyes changes when they're worried or affected by pheromones]

He coldly said, "Take your time to heal first. I'll come back later.  He opens the door and slammed it with force.

Yibo was terrified, that man didn't onmy save his life but also claimed himself as his ge. Yibo's mind was on a mess, but although the pheromones were long gone, his body still felt hot.

Really a bad timing for his heat, before he can do anything, memories about that vile bastard flashes in front of his eyes, he held his head with both of his hands.

It hurts like it was about to break, he screams, but would someone hear him?

Soon the doot sprang open, that same man went in, "I forgot my..."

He can feel that the other was hurt, not physically but mentally. He went over and hugged him carresing his hair, "It's fine. I'm here with you now. Zhan ge is here."

My head hurts like hell that I didn't get what he tried to say. 'Fuck. What did he say his name was?'

Soon Yibo fell asleep being in that person's embrace. It was warm like summer and a bit of a spring breeze, his scent was luke Yibo's favourite perfume.

Everything about this guy is good, but who is he? That's what Yibo thought. But then an image of Haoxuan appears in front of his face...

He began to have a change of heart, "Can I really trust him? Will he also betray me like Haoxuan? What if he is just like Xiu Qing? Using me for his own pleasure?'

Thiughts ran wild in his head as he heard a faint voice, "Mr. Xiao, why are you so attrqcted to this boy?"

He heard that man's voice once again, "Because he is a special person to me. In fact, he' s the most important being to me."

The other person chuckled, "Could it be that he is your fated omega?"

That Mr Xiao, "What do you think?"

Doon Yibo felt like something just striked him, the appearance, the mole beneathe his lips, the name Xiao, his ge...

He felt like the puzzle was finally peaced together. But he tried to act neutral, soon he opened his eyes only to see that Mr Xiao was staring at him.

"Finally awake are we? I'll process the document, you get ready to go home.

I reply to him , "I... Have no home"

I can hear his footsteps getting near, "Then... Wherever I am shall be your home, Bo-di"

I was at a loss, in the past ut was him who used to tease gege, but now, he is being teased by that same gege whose a grown and mature man right now.

Just right before dinner time, Yibo arrives at a grand house, it sirrly wasn't the same house when they were young. Guards opened the gate and maids took the baggage, gege took my hand and ran towards the door.

He opened it with a twist and in front of my eyes was a grand hall, the blinding lights, the long table, the acoustic decorations. I was impressedand amazed by how his house looked.

Soon he took me upstairs and he said, "Your room shall be on the east side as the sun will shine brightly there early in the morning."

I wonder hiw he knows me too much, I bet he knoes me more than how well I know myself.

Soon he took me to my degnated room, and surprisingly, his room was just across mine, and we share the balcony too.

After some time, I took a bath and went dkwnstairs only to see a feast om the wide long table, Mr Xiao was already there and all the food was ready, it seemed lile he was waiting for me.

After dinner we both went to our own rooms, but knowing that it was my ge, how can I chill?

Around midnight, when moon shone on the horizon, I quietly got out of my room and opened his room, I literally crawled onto the bed and only to see that he wasn't there at all.

I turned around, my chest on the comfy bed and my chin rests on my hands, I swung my feet as Ibwaited for that person.

To my surprise, when I woke up. I was already in his embrace, I didn't know when he got here but I sure did fall asleep.

But now there's a bigger problem, I can feel my bkdy warm, I'm on my heat...

I can feel ge's breath on my face. It was warm and soft, but then that comforting breathing turned to sniffing .

I'm letting out my own pheromones, I lost my mjnd and as for what happened after that, I'll see you in the next chapter.

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