Drunk Words, Sober thoughts

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"What is that noise?" I woke up, downstairs I could hear loud banging.

"Damn" A shout came from downstairs. I grabbed my night gown and walked out into the hallway. I watched as George hurried from his room and down the stairs.

I watched my father fumble around as the front door opened and in walked the blue eyed man.

"Katrina!" He shouted running from the doorway and into a warm embrace when a smash from the other side of the room made me spin around. I n the corner, my father was leaning against the wall. In the moonlight I could clearly see his fingers were bleeding from the small shards of glass stuck in his hand.

The short man looked over at him terrified. It was obvious he was drunk. He grabbed another vase from the set standing on the windowsill, throwing it at George. He ducked out of the way, moving closer to me in a protective way.

"You!" He shouted, stumbling over his feet slightly.

"Me?" I asked, moving closer an avoiding the other who were pleading for me to stay back.

"You killed her," he shouted at me. I froze, "You ended all my happiness, now I have nothing." He never cared, he never loved me.

Drunk words, sober thoughts

"Don't listen to him Katrina, He doesn't mean it." George protested. Suddenly he ran forwards, charging towards me, fists raised. The smaller man stepped in front, sending a punch straight to his face. I watched as they began to fight. His words began to sink in.

I killed her

This was all my fault the whole time, even when he had apologized and said it wasn't me to blame. I have killed so many people including my own mother, what kind of a person does that make me?

You ended all my happiness

He clearly wasn't happy anymore. I had done that. This was the new family I had created. I don't deserve to be here anymore. What am I trying to prove? He has already won. There's no point in living anymore.

I looked up and paused from my moment out of it. I could see a body unconscious on the ground and standing over him my father had blood running down his face and it looked like his left arm was broken. I walked over, sending a punch right to his jaw. I could hear a crack and I lurched forwards however was held back by George who had a tight grip on my shoulders. I watched my dad as anger flashed over his green eyes. He took a step closer before he snapped out of it and sat on the floor, holding his knees with his arms as though he was a small child who wanted his mother. I pulled myself away from George' grip and rushed to the smaller man on the floor shaking him to attempt to get him to wake. At this moment the front door opened yet again and in walked a bond and brunette. One of them took a look at me and the others on the floor and ran towards me, pulling me away from my dad who was still in a trance. The brunette lifted the smaller man from the ground, carrying him out to a car that was parked in the driveway. The blond was now hugging me.

"Don't give up please, he will get better. I promise." I watched as he led my father from the room. He still seemed out of it. Little did he know, I had already given up. I climbed the stairs, ignoring George who looked concerned and went up to my room. There was no point in being here anymore. I am only in the way. Time to fix that. And I will do it tomorrow.


Only a short chapter today, sorry, still hassled with Exams.

It's kind of a filler ready for the next 2 chapters.


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