The Dream

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Sunday 9th January 2039 ((Katrina age 18)

A depressed girl says that they are ugly and unloved. A bind person would see this and believe that love is the cure. But love can break a person, bend them, torture them make them weak. A girl can be her own depressed because of love and care, bound to her special ones, breaking her till she can't handle it no more. But can love fix love? She becomes twisted, bent and falls deeper into herself but will the fight between love and hate brake her? One side supports love the other decides to hate all, but what will win?

I woke with a start. Damn these dreams. Damn panic attacks. They just reminded me of my stupid mother. Drat her. Don't remember. Stop! I looked at my clock and realized it was now half 10. I should probably check my apartment. Yes, i am not poor living on the streets i just liked to stay in my own hut and support rather than a house or in my case, flat. Lets just say it brought back bad memories. I lifted my left arm and ran my hand over the small cursor writing that was on my inner wrist. I cant believe what i did that day. I could have called the cops but no I just had to wreck it all. I still remember that night like it was yesterday... Anyway to get rid of this hangover. I reached towards the top draw of the bedside cabinet. Too many pills. I ransacked through the large bottles and various treatments till I found some; this should help. I really should throw away these treatment pills seen as i don't even use them for my condition, well I should but I don't like them. They don't make it better anyway. I'm not even ill.

I climbed out of my bed and got dressed in some jeans and a low cut top. After coming out and walking past the river i decided i might a well have a breather from everything that is going on after this morning i settled myself down on one of the swings and after a moment or two I fell into a deep sleep. The area was dark, it by the moonlight. The swing i was sitting on was old and rusted. Other swings surrounded me from all sides and each was suspended from a large area of clay stone. I was now dressed in a loose pink/peach dress with my straight black hair flowing over my eyes. This was strange because i hadn't had my hair like this for 6 years. Below my bear feet was long deep darkness surrounded y a thick fog. A voice reverberated between the swings; the chilling vibrations sounding like an echo stretching down a long hallway. "You seem calm, ' you know how to escape. Jump it's the only way out" I clutched the long metal chains tighter. A strong wind stirred up swinging the small platform i was sitting on. It teetered before I lost my balance falling, falling down, down into the deep depths. Land.

I opened my eyes to see myself back in the park by home. I was sitting on the floor as if i had fallen of the swing. Lots of the children were laughing at me. I ran towards the nearest boy grabbing his collar and pushing him against the swing frame. He whimpered in fright and i pushed harder cutting of his oxygen as he fell to the ground limp. Little kids ran to their mothers, petrified. I let out a blood-curdling scream before running out of the gate and down the street into the setting sun...

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