life on the edge

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Saturday 8th January 2039 (Katrina age 18)
Being me wasn't exactly easy. I had a life to live myself. But one thing i did was lie to myself. I would promise that i wouldn't look back. Like I kept to that rule... All I do is look back and think of what a failure I am. This is why there are cuts all up my arms, across my chest and down my leg's. Not that i let it bother me. Down the country path along the edge of the steam, round the edge of the barb wire fence trough the ferns, past the cave and round the corner. Home. My large, well shack, stood, timbers falling down from the sides i ran towards the fallen door and hung my coat on the near pegs hanging precariously. I went to lay down pulling my iphone 5s out from the box under my bed. Out came the clip from my hair. It flew out curls bouncing down my back the auburn highlights becoming more prominent. My small frame never looked good. Out of my jeans nd t-shirt and into my snug dress. My tall over the knee boots covering most of the scars and cuts down my legs. Now denim jacket on and off I go, down the all to my next destination. This club doesn't look bad; lets try...
3 hours later, 1 bottle of vodka and £50. Not bad. Time to leave I think. Out the door, down the road.
"You are out a lot?" a Mysterious voice creeps behind me.
"Really, that's the bet you can do? Just shove off and leave me be." I snapped
"Ohh, sassy. You are quite drunk. Are you sure you don't want me to 'look after' you?"
I whipped round and strode towards him. He was hunched against the wall, cigarette in his hand, hoodie up and tattoo's down his slashed arms. "Your pretty whipped huh? Where those scratch marks from, found yourself a boyfriend?"
He marched over fists clenched, this wouldn't end well. He toppled over, had clutching his bleeding nose as she smirked in triumph. That will teach you for messing with me...
"You really think I'm that drunk? Well I'm not, only two beers, not much really." He swayed chucking is cigarette down to the ground and stamping on it with his large boot. You know nothing jeez. He hunched over me, only a small amount taller due to my 4 inch boots. "Well I'm sure I will be seeing you again." And with that he walked off down the opposite road disappearing into the perilous fog...
We will see...
At the side is a picture from the city of bones film. Sorry i just thought it represented the chapter well.
I will hopefully do an update later today. Hope you enjoyed it.

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