Chapter Twenty - Shin Tsukimi

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Although I was constantly stressed about the prophecy, nothing came up about it. There was nothing I could do to know more, I mean, I knew just as much as everyone else. Though walking through the castle I could hear the muttering from other housewives and househusbands, spreading rumors about me and the prophecy. The only people who never said anything bad about me, at least, not to my face, were Nao, the Professor, Reko, Gin, Kanna, and Alice. The ridicule got pretty bad, I could hear them every time I left my room.

"Is that Kai? Satou? The tall one. Yep, that's him."

"I heard he's the tall person the prophecy speaks of."

"That can't be good, I don't want someone that tall to save Egbenedia. I mean, shadow can't even walk through doors correctly!"

"Yeah, he has to crouch to get anywhere. It makes us average-sized people feel bad."

"I bet he's proud. Proud of his height, think's all us 6 footers are WEAK!"

"He's gonna steal all the ladies! I'm never gonna get a chick at this rate..."

It was everywhere I went. I was sinking my head, looking down and zoning out as I walked through to corridors on my break. I didn't choose to be 10 feet tall, It's genetics. My father is 20 feet, I'm 10 feet, and my brother Ranger is 5 feet. It wasn't my fault. Suddenly, I bumped into someone.

Expecting it to be another hater, I walked around them without looking at their face. That was until this person grabbed me by the arm and I looked up at them. It was Shin Tsukimi, Kanna's brother.

"Kai, are you doing alright? You seem a little stressed. I'm here to talk about it if you need." He offered. I burst into tears, quickly pulling Freeda in front of my face to hide the tears. Shin grabbed my free hand and I peeked out from behind Freeda.

"Let's go to my room, we can talk about it there if you'd like." Shin said. I nodded and he put an arm around my shoulder as I cried and we walked to his room. Sooner or later we arrived, not without ridicule from the other workers at the castle.

Shin brought me to sit on his bed, sitting next to each other. "I just... Everyone hates me. Because of this prophecy thing. If it weren't for the prophecy, then no one would have noticed my height. I don't want to be the star of this prophecy, but if I am.... no one believes I can do it."

Shin considered what I said for a moment. "I'm so sorry everyone is being like this. I had heard a little bit about it, but I never knew it was this bad. Kai, I believe in you. If you truly are the star of this prophecy, I know you can do it. You're such a strong person, I know you can do it. And... Why would people even care about your height? I don't see why or how that would affect anyone...

"Here, to make it up to you. I'll talk to my mom, Queen Sara, and put out an announcement that anyone who is caught gossiping or making fun of anyone is immediately banned from Egbenedia. They can go anywhere else, but the country of Egbenedia does not welcome bullies. You deserve to feel as safe as you can here."

"Thank you, Shin. It would mean a lot." I said, tugging at my devil-emoji colored maid dress.

"Of course, Kai. Well, now that you're here, do you want to help me out? I need to ban all bananas from Egbenedia. I have a plan, but we'll have to go to a more secluded area for me to tell you. It's top secret."

I chuckled. "Bananas? Is that the country's biggest problem right now?"


"Ahaha, of course I'll help you, Shin. Though I don't hold a very particular grudge on bananas, I'd be honored to help your campaign."

We headed to Shin's study, which was a damp and dark room that held a lot of books. The only light in the room was a flickering yellow lamp, and there were cobwebs everywhere. Even though it looked so run down, I got the sense that Shin came here often. Ghost sat down at a chair and I stood behind him. The light barely reached his hair, so all I could see was a silhouette of him, even though I was standing right behind him. Scattered along his desk were pieces of line paper, and above it was a map of Egbenedia with many colored pins, pointing at locations. I didn't know what it all meant.

"This is where we're at Kai. Pins on the map colored red are cities and towns of Egbenedia that support eating bananas. In green are cities and towns that do not support eating bananas. As you can tell Egbenedia City (where we are, and the capital) is red, meaning the city supports banana consumption. This is a big problem."

"Yes..." I responded. "And why, may I ask, is it a big problem?"

"W... WHY IS IT A BIG PROBLEM?!?!?!!??? Kai Satou, bananas are the most horrid fruit on the planet, and no one should be eating them. Even if people say they like banans, it is always a lie. They've just been brainwashed by society to believe they like bananas. We, Kai, we are here to put them out of their misery. If we can save Egbenedia from bananas then surely the world will be a much better place."

"Ah. I see, I suppose that makes sense. So, how do we save.. um, how do we save Egebenedia from bananas?"

"Well, I've had this plan in mind.... Our neighbouring country, Monkeyland, has a lot of monkeys, as you can probably tell by its name. I'm thinking- we bring in as many monkeys as we can to these banana-positive cities. The monkeys will steal all of the bananas, and we will stop importing bananas from Monkeyland. With all this in motion, the bananas will start to trickle down into nonexistence in Egbenedia, and soon enough no one will be eating bananas anymore!"

I froze. M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mmmmmmm

I can't even say it. Not the M-Word.

"Shin, I don't think we can *gulp* do this plan. M- I... M-O-N-K-E-Y-S," I spelled out to avoid saying the actual word. "I can't look at them. T-They're horrifying!!!"

Shin burst out into uncontrollable laughter. "AHAHAH, I'm just kidding! I know you're terrified of them, I just wanted to see how you'd respond. What I'm really planning on doing is going from town to town and getting signatures, starting with the castle itself. Do you think you'd be able to help?"

"Shin, you'd know I would love to, but I can't leave. This is my job, I can't go anywhere to get signatures.

"Oh... Yeah, you're right. There might be some other jobs that come up, if so, could you help me out with those?"

"I would be honored to help the prince out with... ban-anans."

"Um... Yes. Anyway, you should probably get back to work now, they're probably looking for you."

"Oh yes, of course. Thank you very much Shin, you have made me feel a lot better. I am glad to help you out with banning bananas as much as I can. Call on me anytime- I will be there."

"That goes for me too, if you ever need help I'm here for you. Stay safe, and, Kai? I believe in you. If this prophecy really is about you, I know you'll be able to do it. You're the coolest person I know."

"Thank you Shin. I hope the rest of your day goes well."

"Yours too."

And with that, I left the small cubby me and Shin were huddled in and headed back to finish my chores.

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