538 37 0

* Mention of cheating


Two knocks on the frame of the door .

" May I come in , Sir ?"

The older man looked up from his files , nodding at him . " Yes you may , Mr. Jeon "

Jeongguk hesitated , double checking if anyone else in the room other than the psychiatrist . The said doctor carefully noticed the other male's posture and the rapid movement of his eyes , keeping down the documents from his hands " No need to worry , Mr. Jeon . I've cleared my schedules for the next few hours and also , I've asked my assistant to provide company to you and your friend—" He pointed his fingers at the shy Jimin hiding behind Jeongguk's huge frame , but still a bit of his bright silver hair peeking above Jeongguk's shoulders gave away his presence " For the hours to come . I'm afraid to say this—" The psychiatrist paused , looking into Jeongguk's eyes " but after hearing Ms. Jeon's case , it seems like the disease has managed to eat away a huge portion of her sanity ." Jeongguk bite down on already aching lips again, his glossy eyes threatning to start something that the society refuses to accept as a normal part of their toxic  'masculine' agenda ." It will definitely require a huge amount of time to cure her and I—" The doctor took a huge breath , preparing himself to recite the same promise , the same promise that he repeats like a mantra to the family member of his patients from the very beginning of his career " I will try my best to give Ms. Jeon a normal life "

Jeongguk nodded his head softly, his eyes hooded by the overgrown locks and the man himself is almost on the verge of breaking down ." Thanks a lot Doctor "

Jimin now understands why Yoongi urged him to accompany the younger on the trip to the psychiatrist . He knew how vulnerable Jeongguk became after Taehyung's death , but the Jeongguk he is seeing right now infront of him is nothing but a shadow from his past . An utterly pathetic and shattered version of the past Jeongguk .

Jeongguk never looked so much so much unprotected and helpless . Not even on that night , that same night which destroyed almost his entire life .

" J-Jeongguk— we can't hide this forever ! WE FUCKING CAN'T ! Pl-Please try to und——erstand b-brother....Y'know Dr. Namjoon , he— he's going to fi-find out all t-these one d-day—"

" Shh . Will you shut up brother-in-law ? That old bastard ain't going to find shit . Now help me hide this or....are you gonna betray me too ? "

He can still feel the life giving red liquid smeared across his face .

" Where is the patient ? " The psychiatrist asked and Jeongguk lightly nudged Jimin with the his right elbow , signalling the older to bring out Taegguk from behind his back .

Jimin nodded softly against the younger's shoulder , turning his head a bit to look at the girl behind him , her small hands barely encircling his waist " Sweetie " Jimin called out softly .

Taegguk looked up , her chocolatey doe eyes crinkling at the usage of affectionate by the man ." Yes ? "

Jimin smiled at her brightly " The good doctor uncle wants to talk to you "

" But why ? " Taegguk questioned " I'm not sick "

Jeongguk bit down on his tongue harshly , his eyes closing momentarily due to the agonizing pain . He had to do it or else , his cursed lips would've opened up and spat out something unnecessarily , something that would've broke his little girl's heart into pieces .

"Remember students ,the foremost sign of mental illness is when the patient will try to convince the other people about their so-called 'sanity' . Out of the 150 people we researched on , 80% of them had presented the same sign again and again . They refuse to seek medical help and try to convince their well wishers that they're not 'sick' . Now , students ,turn to page number 4 , Han Jeoseung , start reading from 8th paragraph....."

" I know that , pearl " Jimin said as Taegguk slowly released her hands from his waist and came out to stood beside her , all while maintaining constant eye contact with the man ." You're not sick . The doctor uncle just wants to talk to you about your hallucin— your papa . Yes , he wanna talk to you about your papa , sweet pea " Jimin corrected himself , his heart racing from the slip-up he almost had . He even felt Jeongguk tense up infront of him .

" Papa ? " Taegguk questioned again , tilting her head to the side , her eyebrows furrowed . " Why ? "

Jimin closed his eyes . Taegguk is too much stubborn for her own good .

"Well....because......" Jimin opened his eyes , looking at the little girl infront of him , her gaze stuck with his face like glue ." Because....He wants to know more about your Papa ! Isn't papa your superhero ? He wants to know about Jeon Taeggukie's Superhero papa !! "

Taegguk's face brightened up immidiately .

Children are such vulnerable creatures....

" Yes yes yes !!!! Papa IS A REAL SUPERHERO ! AND THE BESTEST SUPERHERO !!!! " The little girl cheered , throwing her hands up in the air in joy .

Jeongguk looked down , his eyes barely holding in the unshed tears . It's always ' Papa this ' , 'Papa that' but Taegguk never praised him . Never called him her superhero . It sometimes feels like Taegguk is only Taehyung's daughter.....the physical resemblence between Jeongguk and Taegguk is the only thing that's stopping him from joking that Taehyung might've cheated on him .

Well , Taehyung really did cheat on his ex girlfriend with Jeongguk when they were in college . But after he got with the other man , the interior designer left his old ways within the first week of their relationship.

" I only belong to you , Jeon Jeongguk . Nobody else."

Jimin smiled " Yes sweetheart . He really is a superhero . Now , are you willing to have a nice conversation with the good doctor uncle ? "

Taegguk uttered a small 'yes' , her small hands coming up to tug at her father's shirt now . " Appa , the doctor is nice , right ? "

Jeongguk threw a side-eyed glance at his daughter , a small smile creeping up on his lips " Yes Princess . He's nice . " He whispered " And if he isn't " Jeongguk warned " I'll break all his bones for you "

Taegguk laughed out loudly , starling Jimin and the doctor ." I love you , Appa " She whispered out , interwining Jeongguk's right hand with her left one .

" I love you too baby....Appa loves you a lot" Jeongguk spoke softly , tears decorating his pale cheeks with wet streaks of warm and salty water rolling down from his eyes. His hand tightened a bit , afraid that the little human within his hold will be snatched away cruelly from him anytime " Now go "

This is for your own good , princess . Please don't hate Appa for this .

Taegguk didn't gave any verbal answer , she just slowly stepped forward , peeking her head through the door .

" May I come in ? "

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