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Jeongguk ran .

He ran for his life .

He ran for his daughter .

He ran , leaving everything behind .

As soon as the Taegguk's airpod turned off by itself , Jeongguk knew that it will be followed by calamity soon .

Soon , unfortunately and coincidentally , the fire alarm started blaring too at the same time .

Enough of an indication that the psychopath is here now .

To murder somebody again .

I hope I'm not late....

The marathon of random thoughts is doing little to no justice to his already messed up mental health .

Maybe he should've been the one to consult for help from the psychologists around .

" Ack ! "

Jeongguk didn't even take notice of where he was heading to , his body is acting by itself , as if the invisible auto-pilot mode in his body has turned on when the fire alarm got triggered . As a result , he has successfully bumped into another person .

" Look where you're going , bro ! " The hooded stranger screamed , clearly annoyed .

Jeongguk doesn't give a fuck though . He pushed the stranger away from his way and started running again , his eyes searching for the doctor's room like a hunter .

Please....Don't punish me like this...

" Break the door man ! " Jeongguk heard someone shout , even though he has no idea on where the voice is coming from .


Keys ? Are they infront of the doctor's room now ?

Jeongguk's heartbeat sped up , his pace fastening up automatically .

I'm probably in the right direction then .

The voices soon started getting louder and a small crowd came to the doctor's view . Some of them are hunched over the door infront of them and the others are arguing .

" TRY WITH THE HAIR PIN , ARE YOU GUYS ILLITERATE OR WHAT ! " A middle aged woman screamed at the top of her lungs , pulling out a hair pin from her long hair . Another woman extended her hand to take it but before she can, Jeongguk ran in between them and snatched it from the middle aged woman's hand , rushing towards the door immidiately .

" Who are you, young man ? " A man beside him asked , clearly surprised by the sudden appearance of an unknown man in the crowd , an unknown man he never saw , not in his 47 years of his service in this clinic .

Jeongguk didn't paid to the commotion around him , his hands steadily working to make the door knob .

A bit deeper , twist it , go a bit deeper again , when you feel like you've hit the spot , just twist it-

Creak !

" The door is opened finally ! " The woman behind Jeongguk cried out loudly . The man in the centre didn't pay attention to the commotion around him although , his hands trembling while they snaked around the knob , slowly twisting it .



Seh—KICH !!!

The door opened with a little complain from it's rusted hinges , and a small familiar head peeked out ; effectively punching the breath out of Jeongguk .

Taegguk's wide brown eyes looked directly into his own pair , sparkles shooting across them . " APPA ! " She exclaimed as she pulled open the door , wide enough for an adult human to snuggle their way in .

Jeongguk immidiately stepped in , blocking the way for the people around him as they groaned in irritation .

" Young man , move out of the way ! "

" Oi girl ! Where is the doctor ?!!! "

" Is doc okay ? "

Jeongguk tuned out the voices , his attention now fully focused on his daughter who seems rather unbothered , a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face .

" Honey " Jeongguk breathed out " Are you okay ? " He stretched out one of his arms in hopes of Taegguk coming out fully from behind the door .

But she didn't , her eyebrows furrowed , her innocent eyes threw a confused glance at his outstretched arm before she looked up to maintain the previous eye-contact with her father again .

" Yes Appa . Why ? "

Jeongguk doesn't believe her .

The way she's , something is definitely wrong .

Before he can ask her about the fire alarm though , an unknown man elbowed him in the stomach , shoving him away forcefully to face the little girl who is surprisingly calm .

" Girl " The man barked out , earning an almost animalistic growl as a warning from the said girl's father , but he paid no attention to it . " Where is the doctor ? "

Taegguk's furrowed eyebrows crumbled more , her now scrutinizing eyes now almost boring holes into the man's soul . Jeongguk pushed the man in his sides slightly , his brown eyes sporting a lunatic look . " HOW WILL MY DAUGHTER KNOW ?! " He shouted at the top of his lungs , earning starled looks from the small crowd ." SHE WAS—"

" Oh the doctor uncle who was talking to me a few minutes ago ? " Taegguk cut her father off , her question sounding more like a statement at this moment .

The man nodded . " Yes , him . Where is he ? "

Taegguk titled her head to the side in confusion , her puckered lips giving away her innocence-y.

" Sorry good sir , but I don't know " She answered , breaking Jeongguk's imaginary assumptions of how she will make up shit involving her deceased father again .

Good , keep it up darling . Say that you don't know anything . I'll handle the rest , don't you worry .

However , the man beside him got more agitated , clearly not pleased with her answer as he threw her a scandalous look . " Look girl—" Before Jeongguk can step in between them , Taegguk chuckled , the sound of it somehow managing to send chills down Jeongguk spine as his sixth sense blared again , informing him that probably shit is about to go down again .

" My Papa got the doctor uncle to walk over to the balcony for an adult talk " Taegguk gave more pressure on the word 'adult' as it it is something mysterious ." But Papa returned after a while and left the room without talking to me , but the doctor uncle didn't . Is it my fault now ? "

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