Chapter 1 - A vindictive dream

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"Also, if I were a 'bastard', doesn't mean you too are no different than me?"Ranran's smile grew wider as she pointed at Ryoko, "Your mom had you during a one night stand when she was 14 years old, having to drop out of high school just to raise you. While all she had is elementary school education, my mother on the other hand has a master's degree by the time she turned 16 and had me!"

Others gasps as Ryoko's eyes widened at her exposing his family secret, "How did you know that!? Also, who told you-"

"Whenever I am free, my grandmother often takes me to the market not far from our house."Ranran cuts him off as she paced with a grin, her eyes filled with glee at the horrified Ryoko, "There was a homeless man who always begs around the streets not far from where she buys salmon for me, cause I love eating salmon. She then pointed at the man and said, 'Ranran, you see that man over there? He is a peasant who once slept with a 14-year-old girl whose surname is Ashikaga. She got pregnant and end up naming a son around her age called Ryoko. When you grow up around her age, don't ever open your legs or else you end up having a child with a vagrant. Let alone, end up thinking as foolishly like him.' Boy, she was so right about you."

The more Ranran said it, the more Ryoko grew paler.

"I did research, the surname Ashikaga isn't common in our neighbourhood, let alone, the name Ryoko. So as soon as I found out it was you, I knew you were a peasant's son. Kinda expected for someone to behave the way towards me, because you have a mentality of a peasant."

Ranran's shrug irked the boy more. How dare she call him a peasant!? Sure, his dad was one because he couldn't get a job after that scandal broke where he slept with a minor, but did Ranran have to insult him to such an extent!?

"I ain't done yet, I got more to share, "Ranran chuckled darkly before pointing to Shoji next, "Shiro Shoji, the only one who has old parents in the group. But guess what? They are in reality, his biological grandparents because their bloody daughter couldn't keep her pants down sleeping with a con-man like a loose woman, who I heard is serving 20 years in prison for duping more women into sleeping with him and having scammed their money. Oh yeah...the last I check, how many half-siblings do you have now thanks to your pig of a dad? Around 20?"

"Wait, Shoji has 20 siblings?!"Amaya, Shinichi and Ryoko's jaws dropped at her revelation.

"Do you even know? What do his stepmothers consist of?"Ranran went on to list what she recalled in her research, "Lawyers, doctors, judges, police...well all of them are smart, what does Shoji's mom work as? She doesn't even have the qualifications to brag. No, all she has is a job as a loan shark-"

"You better shut your damn bloody mouth!"Shoji grew mad at the little girl speaking ill of his family secret. How does this girl know all of this!? He never told anyone, let alone, the boys in his group! The more he sees her devious expression, the more he grew scared of Ranran. How much does this girl know about his secrets!? If word ever got out...

"Then we have Fuse Amaya, oh ho ho...this one is the juiciest of them all."Shinichi could see Amaya's face growing pale at Ranran amusingly expressed, "You and your little sister's father-"

"You better shut the hell up! If you ever said a word, I swear I will beat you to a pulp!"Amaya raised his fist in a threatening manner, at the same time, however, he was terrified of what she knows about their family secret.

"Fine, "Ranran laughs a little, not feeling intimidated at their fears, "It will be more fun if I keep it to myself to torment you further."

Ranran's words made Amaya's face quiver, she then turned to Shinichi."As for have nothing to hide actually, except wanting to be a Tantei. We are after all under the same family. couldn't even tell I can speak this whole time...Aaah, everyone is going to laugh when they find out your detective skills are nothing but a pure joke. Oh ho ho ho..."

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