Chapter 23

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'Hyunjin? Hyunjin, what's going on? Have you officially lost it?', Jisung shook the brunette by his shoulder while the taller one leaned over the table and buried his face in his hands, letting out incoherent noises that he couldn't stop even if he tried.

His whole body felt in flames as he squirmed in his seat, both giddy from the compliment and embarrassed from not being able to control his immediate reaction while he was /in front of/ Felix.

Hyunjin refused to raise his head up again regardless of what Jisung was saying next to him and wanted the ground to swallow him whole more than anything else at that moment. However, once he felt a nudge to his foot, followed by another and another, the brunette stilled and focused on the feeling and the direction from which it was coming.

Because that was definitely someone's foot from the other side of the table that tapped over his own and the fact had Hyunjin reluctantly looking up from where his face was hidden and blinked his long eyelashes up and towards the man who was looking at him with a light smile and a certain glint in his eyes.

Felix's foot brushed over Hyunjin's slightly then, before the TA pointed the tip of his shoe up and slightly stroked the brunette's bare ankle with it, making the taller man shiver in his seat as he let out a shaky breath, his heart hammering in his chest from the subtle action under the table.

Hyunjin absently caught onto Jisung saying that he'll go get them food and telling the brunette to get himself together by the time he's back. Hyunjin only nodded distractedly as he slid forward in his seat, just barely but enough for Felix's shoe to graze higher up the skin of his leg.

Hyunjin's eyes fluttered closed at that and when the TA's foot lowered down to his ankle again, the taller man used his own foot to nudge Felix's, imitating a tickling motion on the side of the man's shoe.

Hyunjin finally straightened himself up properly, his eyes not escaping the hold Felix had on them, as their feet kept running over each other. The motions switching from slow and nearly sensual movements to playful nudging that would end up with the brunette trying to lock Felix's foot between his legs for a moment, only to use the tip of his own shoe to slightly raise the hem of Felix's jeans and slide underneath the fabric and over the man's ankle to tease the skin there, similarly to the way the TA had done.

Each momentary teasing motion would end soon after it started, their feet separating for a second before coming back together with a different game to play over each other. Hyunjin licked his lower lip without realising it, the plush skin there feeling drier than usual with how the brunette's lips had stayed parted for a while now and the stiff air in the cafeteria dried them further.

At the action, Felix's eyes which watched him almost like a hawk, got just the slightest bit more hooded, before the TA himself wetted his upper lip and took in an obvious deep inhale.

'Felix? Hyunjin? Are you listening?', Chan's voice seemed to break the bubble in which Hyunjin had found himself in, and where he was trapped in with the TA. Once both boys shook themselves out of their state, they turned towards Chan and Minho who were looking at them with amused raised eyebrows.

'Huh?', Felix breathed as he blinked slowly at his friends that only had the other two cackling at the sight.

'Well, as I was asking, are you two going to prepare for the auditions for the talent show? You know, the one that you were trying to organise? That is next week?', Chan tilted his head, gaze moving between both flushed men and Hyunjin's eyes widened, having completely forgotten about the very existence of the show that he and Felix were supposed to work on.

'Oh, yes, uh actually I've been arranging it and it slipped off my mind but Hyunjin - today we'll have to go to the main hall and talk to several teachers and staff about it', Felix said and Hyunjin only blinked at that, suddenly feeling bad that the TA, as responsible as ever, has been working on that on his own when it was supposed to be the /two of them/ doing it.

Darling, let me teach you a lesson. (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now